The name of the village |
naawee laadee ka |
ناوی لادێ که |
The location of the village |
shwenee laadee ka |
شوێنی لادێ که |
Is there road access for cars? |
aayaa regaay haatochoy otombel heya? |
ئايا ڕێگای هاتوچۆی ئۆتۆمبێل ههيه؟ |
Is there a road access for four-wheel drive? |
aayaa regaay haatochoy otombelee hezee paal pewanaanee chwaaree heya? |
ئايا ڕێگای هاتوچۆی ئۆتۆمبێلی هێزی پاڵپێوهنانی چواری ههيه؟ |
Is there a road access for trucks? |
aayaa regaay haatochoy loree heya? |
ئايا ڕێگای هاتوچۆی لۆری ههيه؟ |
How many locals are there? |
chand Khalkee naawKho leraya? |
چهند خهڵکی ناوخۆ لێرهيه؟ |
How many refugees are there? |
chand Khalkee panaahanda leraya? |
چهند خهڵکی پهناههنده لێرهيه؟ |
How many returnees are there? |
chand Khalkee garaawa heya lera? |
چهند خهڵکی گهڕاوه ههیه لێره؟ |
Who is the community leader? |
key sarkirday komalgaya? |
کێ سهرکردهی کۆمهڵگهيه؟ |
Who is responsible for food distribution? |
ke barpirsee dabashkirdinee Khwaardina? |
کێ بهرپرسی دابهشکردنی خواردنه؟ |
Where is the local warehouse? |
'ambaaree kalo palee naawKho lakweya? |
عهمباری کهلوپهلی ناوخۆ له کوێيه؟ |
Is there a storage facility? |
aayaa binkey kogaa heya? |
ئايا بنکهی کۆگا ههيه؟ |
Is this village used for secondary distribution? |
aayaa am laadeya bo daabashkirdinee naawandee bakaar det? |
ئايا ئهم لادێيه بۆ دابهشکردنی ناوهندی بهکاردێت؟ |
Which villages receive assistance from this village? |
che laadeyak yaarmatee lam laadeya wargirtoowa? |
چ لادێيهك يارمهتی لهم لادێيه وهرگرتووه؟ |
How many damaged houses in this village? |
chand Khaanwee tek choo lam laadeya heya? |
چهند خانووی تێکچوو لهم لادێيه ههيه؟ |
How many unfinished houses in this village? |
chand Khaanoowee tawaaw naboo lam laadeya heya? |
چهند خانووی تهواونهبوو لهم لادێيه ههيه؟ |
Was there any new war damage to buildings since before the conflict? |
aayaa heech Khaanwee taaza zeeyaan bar kawtoowee jang heya la peeysh kaatee pek daa daanakawa? |
ئايا هيچ خانووی تازه زيان بهرکهوتووی جهنگ ههيه له پێش کاتی پێكدادانهکهوه؟ |
Is there a school in the village? |
ayaa qootaabKhaana heya la laadey ka? |
ئايا قوتابخانه ههيه له لادێ که؟ |
Is there a mosque/church in the village? |
aayaa mizgawt yaan kleysaa heya la laade ka? |
ئايا مزگهوت يان کڵێسا ههيه لهلادێ که؟ |
Is there a bakery? |
aayaa naanawaaKhaana heya lera? |
ئايا نانهواخانه ههيه لێره؟ |