Who is in charge of repairing roads? |
ke barprsee chaak kirdinaway regaawbaana? |
کێ بهرپرسی چاککردنهوهی ڕێگاوبانه؟ |
Do you have a map of this area? |
aayaa naKhshaee am naawcheyat heya? |
ئايا نهخشهی ئهم ناوچهيهت ههيه؟ |
We will provide assistance in building roads at this location. |
eyma yaarmatee pesh kash dakayn bo durostkirdnee regaa lam jegaaya |
ئێمه يارمهتی پێشکهش دهکهین بۆ دروستکردنی ڕێگا لهم جێگايه |
Can you provide a road map of this area? |
atwaanee naKhshaee regaawbaan dastabar bkay bo am naawcheya? |
ئهتوانی نهخشهی ڕێگاوبان دهستهبهر بکهی بۆ ئهم ناوچهيه؟ |
Do you have any machinery for road building? |
heech aameerektaan heya bo durostkirdnee regaawbaan? |
هيچ ئامێرکتان ههيه بۆ دروستکردنی ڕێگاوبان؟ |
Do you have any machinery for road repairs? |
heech aameerektaan heya bo chaak kirdinaway regaawbaan? |
هيچ ئامێرێکتان ههيه بۆ چاککردنهوهی ڕێگاوبان؟ |
We have to set up storage locations for supply materials in the area. |
abey jegaayey kogaakaan aamaa dabikayn bo maada pewystakaan lam naawcheya |
ئهبێ جێگای کۆگاکان ئامادهبکهين بۆ مادده پێويستهکان لهم ناوچهيه |
Are there any railroad tracks in this area? |
aayaa regaay shamandafar heya lam naawcheya? |
ئايا ڕێگای شهمهندهفهر ههيه لهم ناوچهيه؟ |
Do you have transportation facilities in this area? |
binkey gwaastinawataan heya lam naawcheya? |
بنکهی گواستنهوهتان ههيه لهم ناوچهيه؟ |
Are there any airports nearby? |
aayaa heech frokaKhaana heya lam nezeykaana? |
ئايا هيچ ئايا هيچ فڕۆکهخانه ههيه لهم نزيکانه؟ |
Are there any landing fields for smaller aircraft nearby? |
aayaa heech gorapaanee neyshtnawa heya lam nezeykaana bo frokay bichook? |
ئايا هيچ گۆڕهپانی نيشتنهوه ههيه لهم نزيکانه بۆ فڕۆکهی بچووک؟ |
Are there any pipelines in the area? |
aayaa helee boree heya lam naawcheya? |
ئايا هێڵی بۆڕی ههيه لهم ناوچهیه؟ |
Is the pipeline fenced off in this area? |
aayaa helee boryakaan parzhyn kraawa lam naawcheya? |
ئايا هێڵی بۆڕیهکان پهرژين کراوه لهم ناوچهيه؟ |
Is the traffic heavy in this area? |
aayaa regaay haatw choon qarabaalga lam naawcheya? |
ئايا ڕێگای هاتوچوون قهرهباڵغه لهم ناوچهيه؟ |
Are there bus lines or trains to travel to other places? |
aayaa helee paas yaan shamandafar heya bo gashkirdin bo jegaayekee tir? |
ئايا هێڵی پاس يان شهمهندهفهر ههيه بۆ گهشتکردن بۆ جێگايهکی تر؟ |
Are there taxis? |
taaksee heya lawya? |
تاکسی ههيه لهوێ؟ |
Do these roads get snowed in during the winter? |
aayaa am regaayaana pir dabin la bafir la kaatee zistaandaa? |
ئايا ئهم ڕێگايانه پڕ دهبن له بهفر له کاتی زستاندا؟ |
How many people own motor vehicles in this area? |
chand kas otombelee heya lam naawcheya? |
چهند کهس ئۆتۆمبێلی ههيه لهم ناوچهيه؟ |
Are there trucking companies nearby? |
aayaa kompaanyaay gwaastnaway baar heya lam naawcheya? |
ئايا کۆمپانيای گواستنهوهی بار ههيه لهم نزيکانه؟ |
Do you have radio contact with people in other places? |
aayaa paywandee be talit heya lagal Khalkee naawcheyekee tirdaa? |
ئايا پهيوهندی بێتهلت ههيه لهگهڵ خهڵکی ناوچهيهکی تردا؟ |