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Play Button Where is my customs declaration? Play Button cheh sehgwan shingohsuhnoon uhdieh eesumneekah? 제 세관 신고서는 어디에 있습니까?
Play Button I do not have anything to declare. Play Button shingohal guhsih upsumneedaa 신고 할 것이 없습니다.
Play Button These goods are personal. Play Button eeguhtoorun cheh guhshimneedaa 이 것들은 제 것입니다.
Play Button Not for sale. Play Button beemehpoom 비매품
Play Button Can you help me fill out the forms? Play Button ee suhRyou jahksunghanunguhsul towaadjulsoo eesumneekah? 이 서류 작성하는 것을 도와 줄 수 있습니까?
Play Button Is this correct? Play Button eeguhsih mahsumneekah? 이 것이 맞습니까?
Play Button Here is my passport. Play Button yuhgee cheh yuhkwonee eesumneedaa 여기 제 여권이 있습니다.
Play Button Here is my visa. Play Button yuhgee cheh bidjagah eesumneedaa 여기 제 비자가 있습니다.
Play Button I have no (target currency). Play Button hankook dohnee upsumneedaa 한국 돈이 없습니다.
Play Button Ad valorem Play Button chong-gah she 종가세
Play Button Ammunition Play Button tahnyak 탄약
Play Button Baggage Play Button soohamool 수하물
Play Button Bill of lading Play Button hwamool eenhwandjung 화물 인환증
Play Button Cargo Play Button hwamool 화물
Play Button Customs Play Button sehgwan 세관
Play Button Customs declaration Play Button sehgwan shingohsuh 세관 신고서
Play Button Customs tax Play Button gwanseh 세관세
Play Button Customs worker Play Button sehgwanwon 세관원
Play Button Damaged Play Button pahsohn dwehdaa 파손 되다.
Play Button Delivery Play Button pehdahl 배달
Play Button Duty Play Button uimooh 의무
Play Button Expenditures Play Button peeyong 비용
Play Button Export Play Button soochool 수출
Play Button False Play Button gahdjaa 가짜
Play Button Foreign currency Play Button weh-hwaa 외화
Play Button Form (document) Play Button suhRyu 서류
Play Button Holding Play Button boh-you 보유
Play Button Import Play Button soo-eep 수입
Play Button Insurance Play Button poh-hum 보험
Play Button (target language) Play Button hangooguh 한국어
Play Button Loading Play Button chuckdjeh 적재
Play Button Name of goods Play Button sangpoomeh eerum 상품의 이름
Play Button Narcotics Play Button mah-yahng-you 마약류
Play Button National treasure Play Button gookpoh 국보
Play Button Nomenclature Play Button mongrok 목록
Play Button On-Board Play Button geeneh 기내
Play Button Origin Play Button choolchuh 출처
Play Button Owner Play Button chooin 주인
Play Button Packing list Play Button nehyong myungsehsuh 내용 명세서
Play Button Passport Play Button yuhkwon 여권
Play Button Permission Play Button huhgah 허가
Play Button Personal use Play Button geheen yongdoh 개인 용도
Play Button Personnel Play Button insahgwa 인사과
Play Button Prohibited Play Button kumdjee 금지
Play Button Property Play Button chehsahn 재산
Play Button Rate Play Button peeyouhl 비율
Play Button Rate of exchange Play Button hwanyouhl 환율
Play Button Receipt Play Button youngsoodjung 영수증
Play Button Relics Play Button you-mool 유물
Play Button Restricted Play Button chehan dwehdaa 제한되다.
Play Button Souvenir Play Button geenyumpoom 기념품
Play Button Specification Play Button sahngseh suhlmyungsuh 상세 설명서
Play Button Storage Play Button changGoh 창고
Play Button Tariff Play Button gwanseh 관세
Play Button Tax-free Play Button myunseh 면세
Play Button To answer Play Button dahpahdaa 답하다.
Play Button To be responsible for Play Button chehgimdjeedaa 책임지다.
Play Button To export Play Button sooipahdaa 수입하다.
Play Button To fill out Play Button geeipahdaa 기입하다.
Play Button To present for customs inspection. Play Button sehgwan chosahrul weeheh chamsukhadaa 세관 조사를 위해 참석하다.
Play Button Transportation Play Button gyohtong soodahn 교통 수단
Play Button Unloading Play Button chimul nehreedaa 짐을 내리다.
Play Button Valuables Play Button gweedjungpoom 귀중품
Play Button Value Play Button gahchi 가치
Play Button Visa Play Button peetsah 비자
Play Button Weapons Play Button moohgee 무기
Play Button X-ray machine Play Button x-ray geegee 엑스레이 기기
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