Please unlock the back door. |
taafaThaalee foongoowa mlaango waa nyooma |
tafadhali fungua mlango wa nyuma |
We need to inspect the cargo. |
toonaheetaadyee koo-eekaagoowa sheheyna |
tunahitaji kuikagua shehena |
What is this? |
hee nee neenee? |
hii ni nini? |
Where did you get this ammunition? |
ooleepaata waapee veefaa heevee vyaa seelaaha? |
ulipata wapi vifaa hivi vya silaha? |
Who does this ammunition belong to? |
veefaa heevee vyaa seelaaha nee vyaa naanee? |
vifaa hivi vya silaha ni vya nani? |