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Play Button Where can we purchase meat? Play Button wayn ibne-der neshteree laHam? وين إبنقدر نشتري لحم؟
Play Button Where can we purchase vegetables and fruit? Play Button wayn ibne-der neshteree KheDher wo fawaakey? وين إبنقدر نشتري خضر وفواكه؟
Play Button Where can we purchase bread and grains? Play Button wayn ibne-der neshteree Khebez wo iHboob? وين إبنقدر نشتري خبز وحبوب؟
Play Button Where can we purchase dairy products? Play Button wayn ibne-der neshteree muntajaat il albaan? وين إبنقدر نشتري منتجات الالبان؟
Play Button Where can we purchase water? Play Button wayn ibne-der neshteree maay? وين إبنقدر نشتري مي؟
Play Button We need to examine the herd. Play Button laazem nefHaS il qaTee' لازم نفحص القطيع
Play Button We need to examine the animals on the farm. Play Button laazem nefHaS il Haywaanaat illi bil mazra'a لازم نفحص الحيوانات اللي بالمزرعة
Play Button We need to inspect the slaughterhouse for sanitation. Play Button laazem nefHaS il mazbaH SeHeeyan لازم نفحص المزبح صحياً
Play Button We need to inspect the bakery for sanitation. Play Button laazem nefHaS il maKhbaz SeHeeyan لازم نفحص المخبز صحياً
Play Button We need to inspect the dairy plant. Play Button laazem nefHaS maSna' il albaan لازم نفحص مصنع الالبان
Play Button We need to inspect the poultry plant. Play Button laazem nefHaS maSna' id dawaajen لازم نفحص مصنع الدواجن
Play Button When was the last time these animals were inoculated? Play Button imta hal Haywaanaat aaKher mara itlaqaHet? إمتى هالحيوانات آخر مرة تلقحت؟
Play Button Do they need to be vaccinated? Play Button laazem yetlaqaHoo? لازم يتلقحوا؟
Play Button We can provide vaccinations. Play Button ne-der na'Tee talqeeHaat نقدر نعطي تلقيحات
Play Button This food is spoiled; please do not eat it. Play Button hadaa il akel faased, lo samaHet laa taakluh هدا الاكل فاسد، لو سمحت لا تاكله
Play Button Are the crops infected with insects? Play Button il maHaaSeel oSeebat beHasharaat? المحاصيل أصيبت بحشرات؟
Play Button Are the animals infected with parasites? Play Button il Haywaanaat muSaabeh biT Tufayleeyaat? الحيوانات مصابة بالطفيليات؟
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