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Play Button Is there a medical facility nearby? Play Button fee mustawSaf areeb? في مستوصف قريب؟
Play Button Are there any doctors in the area? Play Button fee dakaatra behal manTeqa? في دكاترة بهالمنطقة؟
Play Button How many beds do you have at the medical facility? Play Button kam taKhet bil mustawSaf? كم تخت بالمستوصف؟
Play Button How many people work at the hospital? Play Button kam mowazaf 'am yeshteghel bil mustawSaf? كم موظف عم يشتغل بالمستوصف؟
Play Button How many nurses? Play Button kam mumareDha? كم ممرضة؟
Play Button Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? Play Button Saar fee maraDh me'dee behal manTeqa min fatra? صار في مرض معدي بهالمنطقة من فترة؟
Play Button Is there a pharmacy? Play Button fee Saydaleeyeh hon? في صيدلية هون؟
Play Button Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? Play Button fee benaayeh yemken ino yeSeer feehaa mustawSaf? في بناية يمكن انه يصير فيها مستوصف؟
Play Button We would like to talk to people about immunization. Play Button benHeb neHkee ma'a in naas 'an it taT'eem بنحب نحكي مع الناس عن التطعيم
Play Button We would like to talk to people about sanitization. Play Button bednaa neHkee ma'a in naas 'an it ta'qeem بدنا نحكي مع الناس عن التعقيم
Play Button Is there a medical emergency facility? Play Button fee mustawSaf Tawaare hon? في مستوصف طوارئ هون؟
Play Button We have to establish a safe working environment. Play Button laazem insaawee bee-t 'amal saleemeh لازم نساوي بيئة عمل سليمة
Play Button We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. Play Button laazem in'ayen duktoor lahal mustawSaf لازم نعين دكتور لهالمستوصف
Play Button We have to hire nurses for this facility. Play Button laazem in'ayen mumareDha lahal mustawSaf لازم نعين ممرضة لهالمستوصف
Play Button We have to hire office personnel for this facility. Play Button laazem in'ayen muwazafeen lahal mustawSaf لازم نعين موظفين لهالمستوصف
Play Button We have to hire a custodian for this facility. Play Button laazem in'ayen Haares lil mustawSaf لازم نعين حارس للمستوصف
Play Button Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? Play Button ibe-droo il mustawSafaat wo il mowzafeen ino ye'aaljoo il iSaabaat il Haleeyeh bedoon musa'adeh amerkeyeh? إبيقدروا المستوصفات والموظفين انه يعالجوا الاصابات الحالية بدون مساعدة امريكية؟
Play Button Is the local drinking water potable? Play Button maay ish sharb hon SaaleH lil shurub? مي الشرب هون صالح للشرب؟
Play Button Who determined that the water is potable? Play Button meen aal ino il maay betensherb? مين قال انه المي بتنشرب؟
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