Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? |
Saar fee maraDh me'dee behal manTeqa min fatra? |
صار في مرض معدي بهالمنطقة من فترة؟ |
Is there a pharmacy? |
fee Saydaleeyeh hon? |
في صيدلية هون؟ |
Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? |
fee benaayeh yemken ino yeSeer feehaa mustawSaf? |
في بناية يمكن انه يصير فيها مستوصف؟ |
We would like to talk to people about immunization. |
benHeb neHkee ma'a in naas 'an it taT'eem |
بنحب نحكي مع الناس عن التطعيم |
We would like to talk to people about sanitization. |
bednaa neHkee ma'a in naas 'an it ta'qeem |
بدنا نحكي مع الناس عن التعقيم |
Is there a medical emergency facility? |
fee mustawSaf Tawaare hon? |
في مستوصف طوارئ هون؟ |
We have to establish a safe working environment. |
laazem insaawee bee-t 'amal saleemeh |
لازم نساوي بيئة عمل سليمة |
We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. |
laazem in'ayen duktoor lahal mustawSaf |
لازم نعين دكتور لهالمستوصف |
We have to hire nurses for this facility. |
laazem in'ayen mumareDha lahal mustawSaf |
لازم نعين ممرضة لهالمستوصف |
We have to hire office personnel for this facility. |
laazem in'ayen muwazafeen lahal mustawSaf |
لازم نعين موظفين لهالمستوصف |
We have to hire a custodian for this facility. |
laazem in'ayen Haares lil mustawSaf |
لازم نعين حارس للمستوصف |
Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? |
ibe-droo il mustawSafaat wo il mowzafeen ino ye'aaljoo il iSaabaat il Haleeyeh bedoon musa'adeh amerkeyeh? |
إبيقدروا المستوصفات والموظفين انه يعالجوا الاصابات الحالية بدون مساعدة امريكية؟ |
Is the local drinking water potable? |
maay ish sharb hon SaaleH lil shurub? |
مي الشرب هون صالح للشرب؟ |
Who determined that the water is potable? |
meen aal ino il maay betensherb? |
مين قال انه المي بتنشرب؟ |