We must spend the night here. |
soobaay keetaneeyoo matoog daayin dee ha doom eenee |
Subay kitaniyu matug dayin di ha dum ini |
Is there a dining facility here? |
awun loogal pagka oonan dee? |
Awun lugal pagkaunan di? |
How many kilometers to the nearest town? |
peela keeloomitroo in laayoo sin teeyangee masook pa toomood eenee? |
Pila kilumitru in layu sin tiyanggi masuuk pa tumgud ini? |
Are there any hotels near here? |
awun hooteel masook dee? |
Awun hutil masuuk di? |
Are there any restaurants near here? |
awun kad daay atawa reestawran masook dee? |
Awun kadday atawa ristawran masuuk di? |
We want to go to ___. |
mabaya kaamee madtoo pa ___ |
Mabaya' kami madtu pa ___ |
Are there rental cars available? |
awun sasakatan kasookayan? |
Awun sasakatan kasukayan? |
Is there a telephone available? |
awun taleeponoo manjaaree oosaloon? |
Awun talipunu manjari usalun? |
We need ___ gallons of potable water. |
kagoonahan namoo in ___ galoon sin toobig eenomoon |
Kagunahan namu in ___ galun sin tubig inumun |