We must spend the night here. |
lomi abzi kinHad-der ina. |
ሎሚ፡ ኣብዚ ክንሓድር ኣለና። |
Is there a dining facility here? |
abzi memegebi bota al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ፡ መመገቢ ቦታ ኣሎዶ? |
How many kilometers to the nearest town? |
nabta ziQerebet ketema reHQetna kendey yiKhew-wen? |
ናብታ ዝቐረበት ከተማ፡ ርሕቀትና ክንደይ ይኸውን? |
Are there any hotels near here? |
abzi kebabi hotelat al-lewa-do? |
ኣብዚ ከባቢ ሆተላት ኣለዋዶ? |
Are there any restaurants near here? |
abzi kebabi bet-megbitat yirk-keba-do? |
ኣብዚ ከባቢ ቤትምግቢታት ይርከባዶ? |