Please unlock the back door. |
biKhebretka nay deHrit ma'tso kifet-to. |
ብኽብረትካ፡ ናይ ድሕሪት ማዕጾ ክፈቶ። |
We need to inspect the cargo. |
nezi tse'net kinfetesho ina. |
ነዚ ጽዕነት ክንፍትሾ ኢና። |
What is this? |
ezi entay ey-yu? |
እዚ እንታይ እዩ? |
Where did you get this ammunition? |
ezi tetekwasi kabey metsi-u? |
እዚ ተተኳሲ ካበይ መጺኡ? |
Who does this ammunition belong to? |
ezi tetekwasi nay men ey-yu? |
እዚ ተተኳሲ ናይ መን'ዩ? |