Where can we purchase meat? |
sega kabey kingeze-e neKh-el? |
ስጋ ካበይ ክንገዝእ ንኽእል? |
Where can we purchase vegetables and fruit? |
aHmelten feretaten kabey kingeze-e neKh-el? |
ኣሕምልትን ፍረታትን ካበይ ክንገዝእ ንኽእል? |
Where can we purchase bread and grains? |
banen eKhelen kabey kengeze-e neKh-el? |
ባንን እኽልን ካበይ ክንገዝእ ንኽእል? |
Where can we purchase dairy products? |
tseban wets-se-it tseban zisheyetel-lu abey ey-yu. |
ጸባን ውጽኢት ጸባን ዝሽየጠሉ ኣበይ እዩ? |
Where can we purchase water? |
may abey kin-gez-ze-e neKh-el? |
ማይ ኣበይ ክንገዝእ ንኽእል? |
We need to examine the herd. |
ensesatat megwase kinmermeren delina al-lena. |
እንስሳታት መጓሰ፡ ክንምርምረን ደሊና ኣለና። |
We need to examine the animals on the farm. |
nayzi meryet-Her-esha-zi ensesatat kenmermeren delina al-lena. |
ናይዚ መሬት-ሕርሻዚ እንስሳታት ክንምርምረን ደሊና ኣለና። |
We need to inspect the slaughterhouse for sanitation. |
nesele Halewa tseryet nezi meHrad sega kinkwel-lo al-len-na. |
ንስለ ሓለዋ-ጽሬት፡ ነዚ ምሕራድ-ስጋ ክንኰሎ ኣለና። |
We need to inspect the bakery for sanitation. |
nesele Halewa tseryet nezi enda bani kinkwel-lo al-len-na. |
ንስለ ሓለዋ-ጽሬት፡ ነዚ እንዳ ባኒ ክንኰሎ ኣለና። |
We need to inspect the dairy plant. |
nitek-kal tseban wetse-it tseban kinkwel-lo ina. |
ንትካል ጸባን ውጽኢት ጸባን ክንኰሎ ኣለና። |
We need to inspect the poultry plant. |
neti tek-kal meHrad a'waf zebet kenkwel-lo ina. |
ነቲ ትካል ምሕራድ ኣዕዋፍ ዘቤት ክንኰሎ ደሊና። |
When was the last time these animals were inoculated? |
ezen ensesatat merf-e ziteweg-al-lu gizye me-'as-yu? |
እዘን እንስሳታት፡ መርፍእ ዝተወግኣሉ ጊዜ መዓስ'ዩ? |
Do they need to be vaccinated? |
kiKhet-teba yedliyen-do? |
ክኽተባ የድልየንዶ? |
We can provide vaccinations. |
ketabet kinheb neKh-el ina. |
ክታበት ክንህብ ንኽእል ኢና። |
This food is spoiled; please do not eat it. |
ezi megbi zitebelashewe ey-yu Hadera keytibel'uw-wo. |
እዚ ምግቢ ዝተበላሸወ እዩ፡ ሓደራ ከይትበልዑዎ። |