How many homes have telephones here? |
abzi bota telefon zel-lew-wen abayti kendey yiKhona? |
ኣብዚ ቦታ፡ ተለፎን ዘለወን ኣባይቲ ክንደይ ይዀና? |
Is there a functioning police station? |
abzi bota ab agelgilot zirek-keb medeb-ber polis al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ ቦታ፡ ኣብ ኣገልግሎት ዝርከብ መደበር ፖሊስ ኣሎዶ? |
How many personnel are still on the job? |
ab serHom zirk-kebu kendey zi-aKhlu sebat al-lewu? |
ኣብ ስርሖም ዝርከቡ፡ ክንደይ ዝኣኽሉ ሰባት ኣለው? |
What's the means of communication? |
belHat mer-redad-iKhum entay ey-yu? |
ብልሓት መረዳድኢኹም እንታይ እዩ? |
Can the police station function normally without U.S. assistance? |
ezi medeb-ber polis bezey nay amerikawyan Hagez seru' agelgilot kiheb yiKh-el-do? |
እዚ መደበር ፖሊስ፡ ብዘይ ናይ ኣመሪካውያን ሓገዝ፡ ስሩዕ ኣገልግሎት ክህብ ይኽእልዶ? |