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Play Button What is your given name? Play Button metsew'i semka men ey-yu? መጸውዒ ስምካ መን'ዩ?
Play Button What is your family name? Play Button sem ab-boKha men ey-yu? ስም ኣቦኻ መን'ዩ?
Play Button What is your nationality? Play Button zegn-netka entay ey-yu? ዜግነትካ እንታይ እዩ?
Play Button What country were you born in? Play Button ziteweledkal-la hager men-ya? ዝተወለድካላ ሃገር መን'ያ?
Play Button How old are you? Play Button 'edmeKha kendey yiKhewen? ዕድመኻ ክንደይ ይኸውን?
Play Button Do you have an identity card? Play Button wereQet men-net-do al-leka? ወረቐት መንነትዶ ኣለካ?
Play Button Show me your identification. Play Button wereQet men-netka ar-eyen-ni. ወረቐት መንነትካ ኣርእየኒ።
Play Button How many people live in this area? Play Button nayzi bota teQemato kendey yiKhonu? ናይዚ ቦታ ተቐማጦ ክንደይ ይዀኑ?
Play Button Who is the leader of this community? Play Button tetsewa'i nayzi maHbereseb-zi men-yu? ተጸዋዒ ናይዚ ማሕበረ-ሰብ መን'ዩ?
Play Button What is his name? Play Button semu men yibehal? ስሙ፡ መን ይበሃል?
Play Button Please write down his name. Play Button bej-jakha semu ab tseHuf asfr-ro. በጃኻ ስሙ ኣብ ጽሑፍ ኣስፍሮ።
Play Button Show us the leader. Play Button neti meraHi ar-eyen-na. ነቲ መራሒ ኣርእየና።
Play Button How many men and women live in this community? Play Button Qutsri teQemato seb-uten ansten nayzi maHbereseb kendey yiKhewen? ቊጽሪ ተቐማጦ ሰብኡትን ኣንስትን ናይዚ ማሕበረ- ሰብ ክንደይ ይኸውን?
Play Button How many children live here? Play Button abzi kendey zi-aKhlu Hetsanat yinebru? ኣብዚ ክንደይ ዝኣኽሉ ሕጻናት ይነብሩ?
Play Button Are there schools here for the children? Play Button etom Qwel'u bet-temherti al-lewom-do? እቶም ቈልዑ፡ ቤት-ትምህርቲ ኣለዎምዶ?
Play Button Is there enough potable water for the people? Play Button ezi hezbi zi-akel ziste may al-lewo-do? እዚ ህዝቢ፡ ዝኣክል ዝስተ ማይ ኣለዎዶ?
Play Button Is there a water well? Play Button 'ela may al-lo-do? ዔላ ማይ ኣሎዶ?
Play Button Is there a public fountain? Play Button nay Haf-fash bomba may al-lo-do? ናይ ሓፋሽ ቦምባ ማይ ኣሎዶ?
Play Button Are there any medics here? Play Button abzi bota HaKhayim al-lewu-do? ኣብዚ ቦታ፡ ሓኻይም ኣለውዶ?
Play Button Are there any engineers? Play Button mehandesat al-lewu-do? መሃንድሳት ኣለውዶ?
Play Button Are there any teachers? Play Button memaheran al-lewu-do? መማህራን ኣለውዶ?
Play Button Are there empty buildings here? Play Button bado henetsatat al-lo-do? ባዶ ህንጻታት ኣሎዶ?
Play Button Is there a local police force? Play Button ezi bota polis al-lewuwo-do? እዚ ቦታ ፖሊስ ኣለውዎዶ?
Play Button Who is responsible for public safety here? Play Button bi-guday hezbawi deHnet nayzi bota Halafi men-yu? ብጕዳይ ህዝባዊ ድሕነት፡ ናይዚ ቦታ ሓላፊ መን'ዩ?
Play Button Whose responsibility is fire protection? Play Button mekelKhal bare' Haw-wi nay men Halafin-net-yu? ምክልኻል ባርዕ ሓዊ፡ ናይ መን ሓላፍነት'ዩ?
Play Button Do you have fire fighting equipment? Play Button bare' metf-i al-lekum-do? ባርዕ መጥፍኢ ኣለኩምዶ?
Play Button Do you have a fire engine? Play Button nay bare' motere al-latekum-do? ናይ ባርዕ ሞተረ ኣላትኩምዶ?
Play Button Who do you call in case of an accident? Play Button Hadega kegatem kel-lo ni-men titsewe-'u? ሓደጋ ከጋጥም ከሎ ንመን ትጽውዑ?
Play Button Are there operational emergency vehicles here? Play Button ziserHa nay ewan Hadega meKhayin al-lewa-do? ዝሰርሓ ናይ እዋን ሓደጋ መኻይን፡ ኣለዋዶ ኣብዚ?
Play Button How many telephones do you have in the area? Play Button abzi bota kendey zi-ak-kel telefonat al-lekum? ኣብዚ ቦታ ክንደይ ዝኣክል ተለፎናት ኣለኩም?
Play Button How many homes have telephones here? Play Button abzi bota telefon zel-lew-wen abayti kendey yiKhona? ኣብዚ ቦታ፡ ተለፎን ዘለወን ኣባይቲ ክንደይ ይዀና?
Play Button Is there a functioning police station? Play Button abzi bota ab agelgilot zirek-keb medeb-ber polis al-lo-do? ኣብዚ ቦታ፡ ኣብ ኣገልግሎት ዝርከብ መደበር ፖሊስ ኣሎዶ?
Play Button How many personnel are still on the job? Play Button ab serHom zirk-kebu kendey zi-aKhlu sebat al-lewu? ኣብ ስርሖም ዝርከቡ፡ ክንደይ ዝኣኽሉ ሰባት ኣለው?
Play Button What's the means of communication? Play Button belHat mer-redad-iKhum entay ey-yu? ብልሓት መረዳድኢኹም እንታይ እዩ?
Play Button Can the police station function normally without U.S. assistance? Play Button ezi medeb-ber polis bezey nay amerikawyan Hagez seru' agelgilot kiheb yiKh-el-do? እዚ መደበር ፖሊስ፡ ብዘይ ናይ ኣመሪካውያን ሓገዝ፡ ስሩዕ ኣገልግሎት ክህብ ይኽእልዶ?
Play Button Can U.S. forces depend on the local police to perform their duties as needed? Play Button Haylitat amerika ni-polis nayzi bota sereHom bi-gebu-e kes-selaslu emnet kenbrul-lom yiKh-elu-do? ሓይልታት ኣመሪካ፡ ንፖሊስ ናይዚ ቦታ፡ ስርሖም ብግቡእ ከሰላስሉ፡ እምነት ከንብሩሎም ይኽእሉዶ?
Play Button How many vehicles are available? Play Button Qer-rubat megwa'azyatat kendey zi-aKhla al-lewa? ቅሩባት መጓዓዝያታት፡ ክንደይ ዝኣኽላ ኣለዋ?
Play Button What is the telephone number? Play Button Qutsri telefon kendey ey-yu? ቊጽሪ ተለፎን ክንደይ እዩ?
Play Button Do you use radio communications? Play Button rek-keb bi-redyo titQemudo? ርክብ ብረድዮ፡ ትጥቀሙዶ?
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