Who is in charge of repairing roads? |
gwedenatat ni-metseg-gan Halafin-net zitewahbo men-yu? |
ጐደናታት ንምጽጋን ሓላፍነት ዝተዋህቦ መን'ዩ? |
Do you have a map of this area? |
karta nayzi kebabi al-lek-kum-do? |
ካርታ ናይዚ ከባቢ ኣለኩምዶ? |
We will provide assistance in building roads at this location. |
abzi sefer-zi gwedenatat ni-mesraH kinHeg-gez ina. |
ኣብዚ ሰፈር'ዚ፡ ጐደናታት ንምስራሕ ክንሕግዝ ኢና። |
Can you provide a road map of this area? |
karta gwedenatat nayzi kebabi keteQrebulna teKh-elu-do? |
ካርታ ጐደናታት ናይዚ ከባቢ ክተቕርቡልና ትኽእሉዶ? |
Do you have any machinery for road building? |
menged-di nimesraH zegelgel meshineri al-lekum-do? |
መንገዲ ንምስራሕ ዘገልግል መሺነሪ ኣለኩምዶ? |
Do you have any machinery for road repairs? |
menged-di neme'ray zegelgel mesheneri al-lek-kum-do? |
መንገዲ ንምዕራይ ዘገልግል መሺነሪ ኣለኩምዶ? |
We have to set up storage locations for supply materials in the area. |
nay Qer-reb negerat ziKhez-zenel-lu meKhazinotat kintek-kel yedel-li. |
ናይ ቀረብ ነገራት ዝኽዘነሉ፡ መኻዚኖታት ክንተክል የድሊ። |
Are there any railroad tracks in this area? |
abzi kebabi mesmerat menged-di babur al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ ከባቢ መስመራት መንገዲ ባቡር ኣሎዶ? |
Do you have transportation facilities in this area? |
abzi kebabi nay meg-gu'e'az mes-saletyatat al-lekum-do? |
ኣብዚ ከባቢ፡ ናይ ምጕዕዓዝ መሳለጥያታት ኣለኩምዶ? |
Are there any airports nearby? |
abzi Qereba me'arfo neferti yirkeb-do? |
ኣብዚ ቀረባ፡ መዓርፎ ነፈርቲ ይርከብዶ? |
Are there any landing fields for smaller aircraft nearby? |
abzi Qereba nena-eshto neferti me'lebi golagul al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ ቀረባ፡ ነናእሽቶ ነፈርቲ መዕለቢ ጐላጕል ኣሎዶ? |
Are there any pipelines in the area? |
abzi kebabi mesmer shambuQotat al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ ከባቢ መስመር ሻምብቆታት ኣሎዶ? |
Is the pipeline fenced off in this area? |
mesmer shambuQo nayzi kebabi Hetsur diy-yu? |
መስመር ሻምብቆ ናይዚ ከባቢ ሕጹር ድዩ? |
Is the traffic heavy in this area? |
abzi kebabi tsa'Qi minQisQas teshkerkerti bertu' diy-yu? |
ኣብዚ ከባቢ፡ ጻዕቂ ምንቅስቓስ ተሽከርከርቲ ብርቱዕ ድዩ? |
Are there bus lines or trains to travel to other places? |
abzi bota nab kal-e kebabitat zegyish mesmerat awtobusaten baburaten al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ ቦታ፡ ናብ ካልእ ከባቢታት ዘግይሽ መስመራት ኣውቶቡሳትን ባቡራትን ኣሎዶ? |
Are there taxis? |
taksitat al-lewa-do? |
ታክሲታት ኣለዋዶ? |
Do these roads get snowed in during the winter? |
ezi gwedena ab ewan keremti bered yiwerdo-do? |
እዚ ጐደናታት፡ ኣብ እዋን ክረምቲ በረድ ይወርዶዶ? |
How many people own motor vehicles in this area? |
abzi kebabi kendey zi-aKh-lu sebat bi-motere zinQesaQes megha'azya yiwenenu? |
ኣብዚ ከባቢ፡ ክንደይ ዝኣኽሉ ሰባት ብሞቶረ ዝንቀሳቐስ መጓዓዝያ ይውንኑ? |
Are there trucking companies nearby? |
kubanyatat meg-g-'e'az tse'net abzi Qereba yirk-keba-do? |
ኩባንያታት ምግዕዓዝ ጽዕነት፡ ኣብዚ ቀረባ ይርከባዶ? |
Do you have radio contact with people in other places? |
kabzi reHiQom mes zirkebu sebat rekeb redyo al-lekum-do? |
ካብዚ ርሒቖም ምስ ዝርከቡ ሰባት፡ ርክብ ረድዮ ኣለኩምዶ? |