Who now occupies your farm? |
meryet Her-reshaKhum Hej-ji men werisuw-wo yirk-keb? |
መሬት-ሕርሻኹም፡ ሕጂ መን ሒዙዎ ይርከብ? |
Have you talked with them? |
tezaribkumwom-do? |
ተዛሪብኩምዎምዶ? |
Do you have documentation? |
sened wan-net al-lekum-do? |
ሰነድ-ዋንነት ኣለኩምዶ? |
Do you think it's dangerous? |
Hadegenya kweynu-do yere-ayekum? |
ሓደገኛ ኰይኑዶ ይረአየኩም? |
I will contact the appropriate authorities to investigate this matter. |
nezi guday nimetseray mes zimelketom sebe seltan kir-raKheb-ye. |
ነዚ ጒዳይ ንምጽራይ፡ ምስ ዝምልከቶም ሰበ ስልጣን ክራኸብ'የ። |
Please know we will assist you. |
bireg-gets kinteHababerekum miKhwan-na filetu. |
ብርግጽ፡ ክንተሓባበረኩም ምዃና ፍለጡ። |
You must allow the local authorities to conduct their investigation. |
nay kebabiKhum sebe seltan metsna'tom kiftsemu 'ed-del kit-hebuwom yigb-ba-e. |
ናይ ከባቢኹም ሰበ ስልጣን መጽናዕቶም ክፍጽሙ፡ ዕድል ክትህቡዎም ይግባእ። |
You must go to the base and speak with an interpreter. |
abti medeb-ber keydiKhum mes tergwami kitr-raKhebu al-lekum. |
ኣብቲ መደበር ከይድኹም ምስ ተርጓሚ ክትራኸቡ ኣለኩም። |
The name of the owner |
sem wan-na nebret |
ስም ዋና ንብረት |
The name of the property |
sem nebret |
ስም ንብረት |