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Play Button Are you having pain? Play Button Qanza-do al-lek-ka? ቃንዛዶ ኣለካ?
Play Button Where are you having pain? Play Button Qanza abey yisme-ek-ka? ቃንዛ፡ ኣበይ ይስመዐካ?
Play Button Is the pain here? Play Button abzi diyu QanzaKha? ኣብዚ ድዩ ቃንዛኻ?
Play Button Does anything make the pain better? Play Button Qanza zeQ-Qalilelka neger-do al-lo? ቃንዛ ዘቃልለልካ ነገርዶ ኣሎ?
Play Button Does anything make the pain worse? Play Button Qanza zeg-gadidelka neger-ke al-lo-do? ቃንዛ ዘጋድደልካ ነገርከ ኣሎዶ?
Play Button Did the pain start today? Play Button eti Qanza lomi diyu jem-miru. እቲ ቃንዛ፡ ሎሚ ድዩ ጀሚሩ?
Play Button How many days have you had the pain? Play Button Qanza kab zijimirek-ka kendey me-'alti kweynu? ቃንዛ ካብ ዝጅምረካ ክንደይ መዓልቲ ኰይኑ?
Play Button Describe the pain on a scale from 1 to 10. Play Button birta'e nayti Qanza kab (Hade) kesab ('as-serte) an-ne-tsatsirka giletso. ብርታዔ ናይቲ ቃንዛ፡ካብ (ሓደ) ክሳብ (ዓሰርተ) ኣነጻጺርካ፡ ግለጾ።
Play Button 10 is the worst possible pain, and 1 is no pain at all. Play Button ziberte-'e Qanza ('as-serte) ki'Qen kel-lo, (Hade) dem-ma Qanza mes zey-yi-hel-lu ey-yu. ዝበርትዔ ቃንዛ (ዓሰርተ) ክዕቀን ከሎ፡ (ሓደ) ድማ ቃንዛ ምስዘይህሉ እዩ።
Play Button Hold up the number of fingers. Play Button kindi-ti Qwutseri atsabe'ti zergiH. ክንድ'ቲ ቊጽሪ ኣጻብዕቲ፡ ዘርግሕ።
Play Button What is the main problem? Play Button eti Qendi shig-ger entay ey-yu? እቲ ቀንዲ ሽግር እንታይ እዩ?
Play Button How long have you had the pain? Play Button ezi Qanza kendey tseniHu? እዚ ቃንዛ ክንደይ ጸኒሑ?
Play Button Show me where the pain started. Play Button eti Qanza zijem-merel-lu bota ar-eyen-ni. እቲ ቃንዛ ዝጀመረሉ ቦታ ኣርእየኒ።
Play Button Does the pain go to the back? Play Button eti Qanza ni-deHrit yizewir-do? እቲ ቃንዛ ንድሕሪት ይዘውርዶ?
Play Button Does the pain go to the testicles? Play Button eti Qanza kisab fire-nebsiKha yibetseH-do? እቲ ቃንዛ ክሳብ ፍረ-ነብስኻ ይበጽሕዶ?
Play Button Does this pain go to the groin? Play Button ezi Qanza kisab reQ-QaQitoKha yibetseH-do? እዚ ቃንዛ ክሳብ ረቃቒቶኻ ይበጽሕዶ?
Play Button Is this a sharp pain? Play Button bertu' Qanza diyu? ብርቱዕ ቃንዛ ድዩ?
Play Button Is this a dull pain? Play Button diKhum Qanza diyu? ድኹም ቃንዛ ድዩ?
Play Button Is this a cramping pain? Play Button Cheb-bitu ziHez Qanza diyu? ጨቢጡ ዝሕዝ ቃንዛ ድዩ?
Play Button Is this a constant pain? Play Button zey-yeQwarits Qanza diyu? ዘየቋርጽ ቃንዛ ድዩ?
Play Button Is this an intermittent pain? Play Button zim-melales Qanza diyu? ዝመላለስ ቃንዛ ድዩ?
Play Button Is this a mild pain? Play Button Qel-lil Qanza diyu? ቀሊል ቃንዛ ድዩ?
Play Button Is this a moderate pain? Play Button ma-ekelay Qanza diyu? ማእከላይ ቃንዛ ድዩ?
Play Button Is this a severe pain? Play Button ter-rir Qanza diyu? ተሪር ቃንዛ ድዩ?
Play Button Is this the worst pain you ever had? Play Button ezi Qanza kisab Hej-ji kab et-ti-felto eti ziberte-'e diyu? እዚ ቃንዛ፡ ክሳብ ሕጂ ካብ እትፈልጦ፡ እቲ ዝበርተዐ ድዩ?
Play Button Is there anything that relieves the pain symptom? Play Button neti Qanza zeQalilelka neger al-lo-do? ነቲ ቃንዛ ዘቃልለልካ ነገር ኣሎዶ?
Play Button Is there anything that worsens the pain symptom? Play Button neti Qanza zegadidelka neger al-lo-do? ነቲ ቃንዛ ዘጋድደልካ ነገር ኣሎዶ?
Play Button Have you seen a doctor or anyone about this? Play Button biza'ba-zi ni-Hak-kim azaribka-do? ብዛዕባ'ዚ ንሓኪም ኣዛሪብካዶ?
Play Button What medicines are you taking? Play Button entay 'aynet afawes tiwesid al-leKha? እንታይ ዓይነት ኣፋውስ ትወስድ ኣለኻ?
Play Button Are you experiencing fevers? Play Button resni-do al-lek-ka? ረስኒዶ ኣለካ?
Play Button Are you experiencing chills? Play Button yeQwarireka-do? የቋርረካዶ?
Play Button Are you experiencing nausea? Play Button 'ewelwel-do yiblek-ka al-lo ey-yu? ዕውልውልዶ ይብለካ ኣሎ እዩ?
Play Button Are you experiencing vomiting? Play Button yemliseka-do al-lo ey-yu? የምልሰካዶ ኣሎ እዩ?
Play Button Are you experiencing diarrhea? Play Button witse-at-do al-lek-ka? ውጽኣትዶ ኣለካ?
Play Button Are you experiencing loss of appetite? Play Button shewhat megbi-do atfi-eka al-leKha iKha? ሸውሃት ምግቢዶ ኣጥፊእካ ኣለኻ ኢኻ?
Play Button Are you experiencing headaches? Play Button Hemam re-esi-do al-lek-ka ey-yu? ሕማም ርእሲዶ ኣለካ እዩ?
Play Button Are you experiencing visual disturbances? Play Button eti et-tre-eyo-do yimezabeleka ey-yu? እቲ እትርእዮዶ ይመዛበለካ እዩ?
Play Button Are you experiencing numbness or tingling? Play Button midnzaz wey sheQsheQta-do yism-me-'eka ey-yu? ምድንዛዝ ወይ ሸቕሸቕታዶ ይስመዐካ እዩ?
Play Button Are you experiencing bleeding by mouth or rectum? Play Button bi-afka wey bi-anfet meQemeChaKha-do tidem-mi iKha? ብኣፍካ ወይ ብኣንፈት-መቐመጫኻዶ ትደሚ ኢኻ
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