Did the nausea start today? |
eti 'ewelwel mebal lomi diyu jem-miru? |
እቲ ዕውልውል ምባል ሎሚ ድዩ ጀሚሩ? |
How many days have you had the nausea? |
'ewelwel mebal kab zijim-merek-ka kendey me'altat kweynu? |
ዕውልውል ምባል ካብ ዝጅምረካ ክንደይ መዓልታት ኰይኑ? |
Have you been vomiting? |
yemlisek-ka-do tseniHu? |
የምልሰካዶ ጸኒሑ? |
Is there any blood in your vomit? |
ab temlaska dem-do yire-e ey-yu? |
ኣብ ተምላስካ ደምዶ ይረአ እዩ? |
Is there any black color in your vomit? |
ab temlaska gele tsel-lim neger-do yire-e ey-yu? |
ኣብ ተምላስካ፡ ገለ ጸሊም ነገርዶ ይረአ እዩ? |
Have you had any diarrhea? |
wetse-at-do Qen-niyuk-ka ey-yu? |
ውጽኣትዶ ቀንዩካ እዩ? |
How many times have you had diarrhea today? |
lomi kendey gizye awtsi-uk-ka? |
ሎሚ፡ ክንደይ ጊዜ ኣውጺኡካ? |
Would your diarrhea today fill this? |
nay lomi wetse-atka kindi-zi-do me-aKhele? |
ናይ ሎሚ ውጽኣትካ፡ ክንዲ'ዚዶ ምኣኸለ? |
What color is the diarrhea? |
eti wetse-at entay yimes-sel Hebru? |
እቲ ውጽኣት፡ እንታይ ይመስል ሕብሩ? |
Is it red? |
Qey-yiH diyu? |
ቀይሕ ድዩ? |
Are you bleeding from your rectum? |
ab anfe meQemeChaKha tidemi-do al-leKha iKha? |
ኣብ ኣንፈ-መቐመጫኻ፡ ትደሚዶ ኣለኻ ኢኻ? |
Have your stools been black? |
QelQelka beCha kweynu-do tseniHu? |
ቀልቀልካ፡ ብጫ ኰይኑዶ ጸኒሑ እዩ? |
Do you have fever? |
resni-do al-lek-ka? |
ረስኒዶ ኣለካ? |
For how many days have you had a fever? |
ni-Khendey me'altat zi-ak-kel resni tseniHuk-ka? |
ንኽንደይ መዓልታት ዝኣክል ረስኒ ጸኒሑካ? |
Does it burn when you urinate? |
kitsheyin kel-leKha yeQatsil-lek-ka-do? |
ክትሸይን ከለኻ የቃጽለካዶ? |
Do you have worms? |
HasaKhu kersi-do al-lewuKha ey-yom? |
ሓሳኹ ከርሲዶ ኣለዉኻ እዮም? |
Do you have malaria? |
'aso-do al-lek-ka ey-yu? |
ዓሶዶ ኣለካ እዩ? |
Do you have tuberculosis? |
'ab-bay se'al-do al-latk-ka ey-ya? |
ዓባይ ሰዓልዶ ኣላትካ እያ? |
Do you know what I mean by the term HIV? |
ech-ay-vi entay malet miKhwanu yirde-eka-do? |
ኤች-ኣይ-ቪ፡ እንታይ ማለት ምዃኑ ይርደአካዶ? |
Do you know what I mean by the term AIDS? |
eydes entay malet miKhwanu yirde-ek-ka-do? |
ኤይድስ፡ እንታይ ማለት ምዃኑ ይርደአካዶ? |