Do you have pain in this joint I'm touching? |
abzi zitenkifo zel-leKhu melagbo Qanza-do al-lek-ka? |
ኣብዚ ዝትንክፎ ዘለኹ መላግቦ፡ ቃንዛዶ ኣለካ? |
Do you have pain in any other joint? |
ab kal-e melagbo ak-kalat-ke Qanza-do al-leka? |
ኣብ ካልእ መላግቦ ኣካላትከ፡ ቃንዛዶ ኣለካ? |
Which joint hurts the most? |
ay-yenay melagbo ey-yu zeyada zeHemim? |
ኣየናይ መላግቦ እዩ ዝያዳ ዘሕምም? |
Do you have pain in this muscle I'm touching? |
abzi zitnkifo zel-leKhu jim-mat Qanza al-leka-do? |
ኣብዚ ዝትንክፎ ዘለኹ ጅማት፡ቃንዛ ኣለካዶ? |
Do you have pain in any other muscle? |
ab kal-e jim-mat-ke Qanza-do al-lek-ka? |
ኣብ ካልእ ጅማትከ፡ ቃንዛዶ ኣለካ? |
Where is the muscle pain? |
Qanza jim-mawtiKha abey miKhwanu ey-yu? |
ቃንዛ ጅማውትኻ፡ኣበይ ምዃኑ እዩ? |
Is this muscle cramping? |
ezi jim-mat-zi ziteCheb-bete kweynu-do yisme'ek-ka? |
እዚ ጅማትዚ፡ ዝተጨበጠ ኰይኑዶ ይስመዐካ? |
Have you ever had any broken bones? |
mesberti 'atsmi ag-gatimuk-ka-do yifel-let? |
መስበርቲ ዓጽሚ ኣጋጢሙካዶ ይፈልጥ? |
What bones have you broken? |
ay-yenay 'atsmi tesebiru neyru? |
ኣየናይ ዓጽሚ ተሰቢሩ ነይሩ? |
Does it hurt when I do this? |
kemzi kigebro kel-leKhu yeHemim-do? |
ከምዚ ክገብሮ ከለኹ የሕምምዶ? |
Do this. |
kemzi giber. |
ከምዚ ግበር። |
You need an X-ray of your bone. |
nay 'atsmi eksrey kigb-berelka yigba-e. |
ናይ ዓጽሚ ኤክስ-ረይ ክግበረልካ ይግባእ። |
I will examine the X-ray and tell you what I see. |
neti eksrey mermire zestebahalkuwo neger kigeltselka ey-ye. |
ነቲ ኤክስ-ረይ መርሚረ፡ ዘስተበሃልኩሉ ነገር ክገልጸልካ እየ። |
The bone is broken here. |
ezi 'atsmi-zi tesebiru al-lo. |
እዚ ዓጽሚዚ ተሰቢሩ ኣሎ። |
The bone is not broken here. |
ezi 'atsmi-zi ayteseberen. |
እዚ ዓጽሚ'ዚ ኣይተሰበረን። |
You need a cast to help the bone heal. |
tseg-gena 'atsmi ni-meQeltaf jes-so yedliyek-ka. |
ጽገና ዓጽሚ ንምቅልጣፍ፡ጀሶ የድልየካ። |
Do not remove the cast. |
neti jes-so keytelgiso. |
ነቲ ጀሶ፡ ከይተልግሶ። |
Do not get the cast wet. |
neti jes-so keyteterkiso. |
ነቲ ጀሶ፡ ከይተተርክሶ። |
You need a splint to help the injury heal. |
eti megwuda-eti Qeltifu ni-KheHaw-wi medagifti yedl-li. |
እቲ መጕዳእቲ ቀልጢፉ ንኽሓዊ፡መዳግፍቲ የድሊ። |
You may take the splint off to clean yourself. |
mitsray kedli kel-lo neti medagifti kit-alyo tiKh-el iKha. |
ምጽራይ ከድሊ ከሎ፡ ነቲ መዳግፍቲ ክትኣልዮ ትኽእል ኢኻ። |
The splint must be replaced after you have cleaned yourself. |
atsriKha mes wed-da-eka eti medagifti ab zinebero kimles yigba-e. |
ኣጽሪኻ ምስ ወዳእካ፡እቲ መዳግፍቲ፡ኣብ ዝነበሮ ክምለስ ይግባእ። |
You need a metal plate and screws to help the healing of your bone. |
tseg-gena-ti 'atsmi ni-meQeltaf Hade Hatsinawi tsifHin bulonitaten mitQam yedl-li. |
ጽገና'ቲ ዓጽሚ ንምቅልጣፍ፡ሓደ ሓጺናዊ ጽፍሒን ቡሎኒታትን ምጥቃም የድሊ። |
We need to take you to the Operating Room to perform an operation on you. |
metbaHti ni-mifetsam nab nay metbaHti kifli kin-wesdek-ka yigba-e. |
መጥባሕቲ ንምፍጻም፡ናብ ናይ መጥባሕቲ ክፍሊ ክንወስደካ ይግባእ። |