Do you have any chest pain or tightness? |
ab af-leb-biKha zi-seme'ek-ka Qanza wey segwudi-do al-lo ey-yu? |
ኣብ ኣፍ-ልብኻ፡ዝስመዐካ ቃንዛ ወይ ሰጕዲዶ ኣሎ እዩ? |
Are you having trouble trying to breathe? |
nay mitnfas tsa'ri-do al-leka ey-yu? |
ናይ ምትንፋስ ጻዕሪዶ ኣለካ እዩ? |
Do you have chest pain over your entire chest? |
QanzaKha ab melu-e af-leb-biKha diyu? |
ቃንዛኻ ኣብ ምሉእ ኣፍ-ልብኻ ድዩ? |
Do you have pain from your chest into your arm? |
kab af-leb-biKha nab Qeltsemka zi-wer-red Qanza-do al-leka ey-yu? |
ካብ ኣፍ-ልብኻ ናብ ቅልጽምካ ዝወርድ ቃንዛዶ ኣለካ እዩ? |
Have you had this type of chest pain before? |
ezi Qanza af-leb-biKha-zi Qedmi Hej-ji-Khe tesem-mi'uk-ka-do yifel-let? |
እዚ ቃንዛ ኣፍ-ልቢ'ዚ፡ ቅድሚ ሕጂኸ ተሰሚዑካዶ ይፈልጥ? |
Do you feel light-headed with the chest pain? |
mis-zi Qanza af-leb-bi teteHaHizu zi-sme-ek-ka midenzaz a-emero-do al-lo. |
ምስ'ዚ ቃንዛ ኣፍልቢ ተተሓሒዙ ዝስመዐካ ምድንዛዝ ኣእምሮዶ ኣሎ? |
Do you sweat with the chest pain? |
ezi Qanza af-leb-bi mirhats zi-teHaweso diyu? |
እዚ ቃንዛ ኣፍ-ልቢ ምርሃጽ ዝተሓወሶ ድዩ? |
This heart pill may give you a headache. |
ezi nay leb-bi kenina-zi Hemam re-esi kele'a'l yiKh-el-yu. |
እዚ ናይ ልቢ ከኒና'ዚ፡ ሕማም ርእሲ ከለዓዕል ይኽእል'ዩ። |
This will go under your tongue. |
ezi ab teHti melHas-yu zi-at-tu. |
እዚ ኣብ ትሕቲ መልሓስ'ዩ ዝኣቱ። |
Chew this and swallow it. |
nezi Hay-yiKh-ka weHat-to. |
ነዚ ሓይኽካ ወሓጦ። |