This will help you. |
ezi kiteQmek-ka ey-yu. |
እዚ ክጠቕመካ እዩ። |
I have to put a small needle in you here. |
abzi ne-eshto merf-e kiweg-ek-ka ey-ye. |
ኣብዚ፡ ንእሽቶ መርፍእ ክወግአካ እየ። |
We need to give you fluid. |
ab nebseKha fesasi kinmel-l-elka al-len-na. |
ኣብ ነብስኻ፡ ፈሳሲ፡ ክንምልአልካ ኣለና። |
We need to give you blood. |
dem kinmel-l-elka al-len-na. |
ደም፡ ክንምልአልካ ኣለና። |
I need to put a tube into your throat. |
nab gororoKha Qetin tub-bo ke-etu ey-ye. |
ናብ ጎሮሮኻ፡ ቀጢን ቱቦ ከእቱ እየ። |
This tube will help you breathe better. |
eza tub-bo shig-ger metenfas teQ-Qalel ey-ya. |
እዛ ቱቦ፡ ሽግር ምትንፋስ ተቃልል እያ። |
This tube may feel uncomfortable. |
eza tub-bo qurub kite-tsegem tiKh-el ey-ya. |
እዛ ቱቦ፡ ቊሩብ ክተጸግም ትኽእል እያ። |
I need to put a tube through your nose to your stomach. |
bi-afenChaKha ab-bilu nab kes'eKha zi-betseH Qetin tub-bo ke-etu ey-ye. |
ብኣፍንጫኻ ኣቢሉ ናብ ከስዐኻ ዝበጽሕ፡ ቀጢን ቱቦ ከእቱ እየ። |
You need to swallow while I put this tube in your nose. |
ane nezi tub-bo nab afenChaKha ke-etewo keleKhu, nesKha dem-ma kit-weHet fet-ten. |
ኣነ ነዚ ቱቦ ናብ ኣፍንጫኻ ከእትዎ ከለኹ፡ ንስኻ ድማ፡ ክትውሕጥ ፈትን። |
Drink this while I gently place the tube into your nose. |
ane Qes ab-bile neti tub-bo nab afenChaKha ke-etewo keleKhu nesKha dem-ma ezi site. |
ኣነ፡ ቀስ ኣቢለ ነቲ ቱቦ ናብ ኣፍንጫኻ ከእትዎ ከለኹ፡ ንስኻ ድማ፡ እዚ ስተ። |
This tube will drain your stomach. |
ezi tub-bo-zi ab kebdiKha ni-zel-lo ki-guHguHo ey-yu. |
እዚ ቱቦ'ዚ፡ ኣብ ከብድኻ ንዘሎ ክጕሕጕሖ እዩ። |
I have to put a small tube into your neck to give you fluid. |
fesasi me-enti kinmel-l-elka nab kesadka ne-eshto tub-bo kine-et-tu ina. |
ፈሳሲ ምእንቲ ክንምልአልካ፡ ናብ ክሳድካ ንእሽቶ ቱቦ ክነእቱ ኢና። |
I need to put a tube in your chest. |
ab af-leb-biKha tub-bo ke-etu al-len-ni. |
ኣብ ኣፍ-ልቢኻ፡ ቱቦ ከእቱ ኣለኒ። |
This needle will release the air from your chest. |
ezi merf-e-zi neti ab af leb-biKha zel-lo ay-yer kifn-newo ey-yu. |
እዚ መርፍእ'ዚ፡ ነቲ ኣብ ኣፍ-ልብኻ ዘሎ ኣየር፡ ክፍንዎ እዩ። |
This will help your burns. |
ezi neti ned-dadka keQ-Qalilelka ey-yu. |
እዚ ነቲ ንዳድካ፡ ከቃልለልካ እዩ። |
I need to cut your skin. |
ab Qwerbetka ne-eshto neQa' kenQ-Qe' al-len-ni. |
ኣብ ቈርበትካ፡ንእሽቶ ነቓዕ ከንቅዕ ኣለኒ። |
We have to restrain you for your safety. |
nesele deHnetka get-t ab-bilna kin-Qwetsa-tserek-ka ina. |
ንስለ ድሕነትካ፡ ገጥ ኣቢልና ክንቈጻጸረካ ኢና። |
You have been burned by a chemical. |
Hade 'aynet kemikal aQatsiluka al-lo. |
ሓደ ዓይነት ኬሚካል፡ ኣቃጺሉካ ኣሎ። |
We need to wash the chemicals from your skin. |
neti kemikal kab Qwerbetka kinetseryo al-len-na. |
ነቲ ኬሚካል ካብ ቈርበትካ ክነጽርዮ ኣለና። |
You will need to be completely washed. |
melu-e tseryet kedlyik-ka ey-yu. |
ምሉእ ጽሬት ከድልየካ እዩ። |
Hold this dressing and apply pressure. |
nezi fash-sha Hez-zo-mo teder-rek-ko. |
ነዚ ፋሻ ሕዞ'ሞ ተደረኮ። |
I need to splint your arm. |
ni-idka medagifti kigebrel-la al-len-ni. |
ንኢድካ መዳግፍቲ ክገብረላ ኣለኒ። |
I need to splint your leg. |
ni-egriKha medagifti kigebrel-la al-len-ni. |
ንእግርኻ መዳግፍቲ ክገብረላ ኣለኒ። |
I am applying a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. |
neti mifsas dem dew nimeb-bal mestemi kitQem-ye. |
ነቲ ምፍሳስ ደም ደው ንምባል፡መስጠሚ ክጥቀም'የ። |