Wear this badge where it can be seen. |
nezi meleleyi kem zire-e gerka teteQemel-lu. |
ነዚ መለለዪ፡ ከምዝረኤ ጌርካ ተጠቐመሉ። |
Leave your camera with this person. |
kameraKha mis ezi seb-ay gidefo. |
ካሜራኻ ምስ'ዚ ሰብኣይ ግደፎ። |
Leave your cell phone with this person. |
nay id telefonka mis-zi seb-ay gidef-fo. |
ናይ ኢድ ቴለፎንካ ምስዚ ሰብኣይ ግደፎ። |
I am your escort. |
asen-nayiKha ane ey-ye. |
ኣሰናዪኻ ኣነ እየ። |
He is your escort. |
asen-nayiKha nes-su ey-yu. |
ኣሰናዪኻ ንሱ እዩ። |
Follow them |
teKhet-tel-lom. |
ተኸተሎም። |
You will ride with me in that vehicle. |
abta mek-kina eti-a misay kit-seQ-Qel iKha. |
ኣብታ መኪና እቲኣ ምሳይ ክትስቀል ኢኻ። |
You will ride with us in this vehicle. |
abza mek-kina ezi-a misana kit-seQ-Qel iKha. |
ኣብዛ መኪና እዚኣ ምሳና ክትስቀል ኢኻ። |
You will ride with him in that vehicle. |
abta mek-kina eti-a misa-u kit-seQ-Qel iKha. |
ኣብታ መኪና እቲኣ ምሳኡ ክትስቀል ኢኻ። |
You will ride with her. |
mesa-a kit-seQ-Qel iKha. |
ምሳኣ ክትስቀል ኢኻ። |