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Play Button I do not wish to give an interview. Play Button niQale maHtet fiQadenya aykwenkun. ንቃለ ማሕተት ፍቓደኛ ኣይኰንኩን።
Play Button He does not wish to give an interview. Play Button niQale maHtet fiQadenya aykwenen. ንቃለ ማሕተት ፍቓደኛ ኣይኰነን።
Play Button She does not wish to give an interview. Play Button niQale maHtet fiQadenya aykwenetn. ንቃለ ማሕተት ፍቓደኛ ኣይኰነትን።
Play Button I am not qualified to answer that question. Play Button melsi nayzi Het-to kab 'aQmey wetsa-i ey-yu. መልሲ ናይዚ ሕቶ ካብ ዓቕመይ ወጻኢ እዩ።
Play Button She is not qualified to answer that question. Play Button melsi nayzi Het-to kab 'aQma wetsa-i ey-yu. መልሲ ናይዚ ሕቶ ካብ ዓቕማ ወጻኢ እዩ።
Play Button He is not qualified to answer that question. Play Button melsi nayzi Het-to kab 'aQmu wetsa-i ey-yu. መልሲ ናይዚ ሕቶ ካብ ዓቕሙ ወጻኢ እዩ።
Play Button He does not want to answer that question. Play Button neza Het-to kiml-lisa aydelin ey-ye. ነዛ ሕቶ ክምልሳ ኣይደልን እዩ።
Play Button She does not want to answer that question. Play Button neza Het-to kitmil-lisa aytidelin ey-ya. ነዛ ሕቶ ክትምልሳ ኣይትደልን እያ።
Play Button I will not answer this question. Play Button neza Het-to aykimil-lisan ey-ye. ነዛ ሕቶ ኣይክምልሳን እየ።
Play Button I have no answer at this time. Play Button abzi ewan ezi zihbo melsi yebleyin. ኣብዚ እዋን እዚ ዝህቦ መልሲ የብለይን።
Play Button I would like to stop this interview. Play Button nezi Qale maHtet abzi dew keb-blo edel-li. ነዚ ቃለ ማሕተት ኣብዚ ደው ከብሎ እደሊ።
Play Button She would like to stop this interview. Play Button nezi Qale maHtet dew keteb-blo wes-sina al-la. ነዚ ቃለ ማሕተት ደው ከተብሎ ወሲና ኣላ።
Play Button He would like to stop this interview. Play Button nezi Qale maHtet dew keb-blo wes-sinu al-lo. ነዚ ቃለ ማሕተት ደው ከብሎ ወሲኑ ኣሎ።
Play Button No comment Play Button zibaHal yebleyin. ዝበሃል የብለይን።
Play Button Can you please ask the question in simpler language? Play Button ni-Het-toKha Qelel bi-zibele QwanQwa-do keteQriba tiKh-el? ንሕቶኻ ቅልል ብዝበለ ቋንቋዶ ክተቕርባ ትኽእል?
Play Button This interview is over. Play Button Qale maHtet abzi yebQ-Qe'. ቃለ ማሕተት ኣብዚ የብቅዕ።
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