Is there a medical facility nearby? |
fama markaz Tibee iqreeb? |
فمّه مركز طبّي قريب؟ |
Are there any doctors in the area? |
fama dakaatra fil minTqa? |
فمّه دكاترة فِلمنطقه؟ |
How many beds do you have at the medical facility? |
qidaah min isreer 'indak fee il markaz iT Tibee? |
قدّاه من سرير عندك في المركز الطبّي؟ |
How many people work at the hospital? |
qidaah min waaHid yiKhdim fee isbeetaar? |
قدّاه من واحد يخدم في السبيتار؟ |
How many nurses? |
qidaah min farmlee? |
قدّاه من فرملي؟ |
Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? |
famaash amraaDh mu'deeya fil manTqa layaamaat? |
فمّاش أمراض معدية فِلمنطقة ليّامات؟ |
Is there a pharmacy? |
fama farmasee? |
فمّه فرمسِي؟ |
Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? |
famaash iblaaSa nibneeyoo feeha markaz Tibee? |
فمّاش بلاصه نبنيو فيها مركز طبّى؟ |
We would like to talk to people about immunization. |
inHiboo nitkalmoo ma'a in naas 'ala mawDhoo' it talqeeH |
نحبّو نتكلمو مع الناس على موضوع التلقيح |
We would like to talk to people about sanitization. |
inHiboo nitkalmoo ma'a in naas 'ala mawDhoo' inDhaafa |
نحبّو نتكلمو مع الناس على موضوع النظافه |
Is there a medical emergency facility? |
fama irjons? |
فمّه أُرجونس؟ |
We have to establish a safe working environment. |
laazim niKhulqoo jaw munaasib lish shughul |
لازم نخلقو جو مناسب للشغل |
We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. |
laazim inKhadmoo Tiba fil iblaaSa haaThee |
لازم نخدّمو طُبّه فلبلاصه هَذِي |
We have to hire nurses for this facility. |
laazim inKhadmoo farmleeyaat fil iblaaSa haaThee |
لازم نخدّمو فرمليّات فلبلاصه هَذِي |
We have to hire office personnel for this facility. |
laazim inKhadmoo muwaDhfeen fil iblaaSa haaThee |
لازم نخدّمو مُوظفين فلبلاصه هَذِي |
We have to hire a custodian for this facility. |
laazim inKhadmoo seezonyey fil iblaaSa haaThee |
لازم نخدّمو سيزونيا فلبلاصه هَذِي |
Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? |
za'ma il mo-asasaat wil Khadaama il maHaleeyeen yinazhmoo yitlahaaw biDh DhaHaaya min gheer musaa'adat amreeka? |
زعمه المؤسّسات والخدّامه المحلّيين ينجمو يتلهاو بالضحايا من غير مساعدة أمريكا؟ |
Is the local drinking water potable? |
za'ma il maa il maHalee SaaliH lish shurb? |
زعمه الما المحلّي صالح للشرب؟ |
Who determined that the water is potable? |
ishkoon qarar il maa SaaliH lish shurb? |
شكون قرّر الما صالح للشرب؟ |