How many people live in this area? |
qidaah min waaHid yuskun fil minTqa haaThee? |
قدّاه من واحد يسكن فلمنطقه هَذِي؟ |
How many water wells do you have in this area? |
qidaah min 'een 'indak fil minTqa haaThee? |
قدّاه من عين عندك فِلمنطقه هَذِي؟ |
Do you have a sewage system in this area? |
'andkum zeegoowaat fil minTqa haaThee? |
عندكم زيڤوات فِلمنطقه هَذِي؟ |
How far are the latrines from the water wells? |
qidaah tab'id itwaaleyt 'al 'eeyoon il maa? |
قدّاه تبعد التواليت عل عيون الماء؟ |
What type of herds graze in this area? |
ishnoowa anwaa' il maashya ilee tar'a fil minTqa haaThee? |
شنوه أنواع الماشيه الي ترعى فِلمنطقه هَذِي؟ |
What kind of electrical appliances do people use? |
ishnoowa il maakeenaat il iliktreek ilee yasta'milha in naas? |
شنوّه الماكينات الإلكتريك الّي يستعملها النّاس؟ |
Do you use electric stoves? |
tista'imloo ghaaz il iliktreek? |
تستعملو غاز إلكتريك؟ |
Have there been forest fires in the area? |
Saarit Haraayiq fee ghaabaat il minTqa? |
صارت حرايق في غابات المنطقه؟ |
Are there any gas pipes around here? |
fama iHlaaqim ghaaz ihna? |
فمّه حلاقم غاز اهنا؟ |
Do you use gas to heat homes around here? |
tista'imloo il ghaaz lish shoofaaj lahna? |
تستعملو الغاز لشّوفاج لهنا؟ |
Is gas used for cooking? |
tista'imloo il ghaaz liTyaab? |
تستعملو الغاز لطّياب؟ |
Do you use propane gas tanks? |
tista'imloo idbaabiz il ghaaz? |
تستعملو دبابز الغاز؟ |
Where do you get propane gas tanks supplied from? |
imneen jeekum idbaabiz il ghaaz? |
منين جيكم دبابز الغاز؟ |
Is there anyone to inspect home gas appliances? |
fama ishkoon yitfaqad maakeenaat il ghaaz il manzeeleeya? |
فمّه شكون يتفقّد ماكينات الغاز المنزليّه؟ |
Is there an electrician here? |
fama il liktreeseeya ihna? |
فمّه إلكتريسيان هنا؟ |
Is there a water supply system to households? |
fama iHlaaqim maa lidyaar? |
فمّه حلاقم ماء للديار؟ |
Where is the facility located? |
ween mawjooda daar il maa? |
وين موجوده دار الماء؟ |
How many people operate the system? |
qidaah min waaHid yiKhdim fee daar il maa? |
قدّاه من واحد يخدم في دار الماء؟ |
Is it connected to other water supply systems? |
marbooTa bidyaar maa uKhra? |
مربوطه بديار ماء أخرى؟ |
Is it functional? |
tiKhdim? |
تخدم؟ |
Is it by sedimentation? |
bit tarseeb? |
بالترسيب؟ |
Where is the pumping station? |
ween markaz iDh DhaKh? |
وين مركز الضّخ؟ |
How many people are needed to keep the system functional? |
qidaah min waaHid laazimna bash yiKhaleeyoo daar il maa Khadaama? |
قدّاه من واحد لازمنا باش يخلّيو دار الماء خدّامه؟ |
We've heard that there have been some problems with sewage in this neighborhood. |
ismi'na ilee fama mashaakil zeegoowaat filHooma haaThee |
سمعنا الّلي فمّه مشاكل زيڤوات فلحومه هَذِي |
Do you have indoor plumbing? |
'indkum instaalasyo imtaa' zeegoowaat il daaKhil? |
عندكم انستالسيون متاع زيڤوات إلداخل؟ |
Do you have any problems with your plumbing? |
'indkum mashaakil im'a laHlaaqim? |
عندكم مشاكل مع الحلاقم؟ |
Does your toilet work? |
itwaaleyt imtaa'kum tiKhdim? |
التواليت متاعكم تخدم؟ |
How many toilets do you have in the house? |
qidaah min twaaleyt 'indkum fid daar? |
قدّاه من تواليت عندكم فِدّار؟ |
Do you have a septic tank? |
'indkum reezirvowaar Khaamij? |
عندكم ريزرفوار خامج؟ |
Is there anyone who can fix your sewer? |
fama ishkoon yiSalaH ir raqaara? |
فمّه شكون يصلّح إرّقاره؟ |
Have you contacted anyone regarding this problem? If so who? |
Kalamtish Had bash yiHil il mushkil? wishkoonoo huwa? |
كلّمتش حد باش يحل المشكل؟ وشكونو هوّ؟ |
When did you contact them? |
waqtaash kalamt-hum? |
وقتاش كلّمتهم؟ |
I will report this higher up and see if there is something we can do to fix the sewage problem. |
tawa na'lim il mas-ooleen winshoofoo famaash Hal lee mushkilit ir raqaaraat |
تو نعلم المسؤولين ونشوفو فمّاش حل لمشكلة إرّقارات |
We will contact the sewage company and find out what is being done to correct the problem. |
tawa nitiSloo bil baladeeya wu ni'irfoo ash mumkin yit'amal il Hal hal mushkil |
توْ نتّصلو بلبلديّه ونعرفو آش ممكن يتعمل لحل هل مشكل |