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Play Button Put your hands on the steering wheel and do not move them. Play Button HuT eedeek 'al volo wu maa tHarik-humshee حُط إيديك عل فولون وما تحرّكهمش
Play Button You are breaking the curfew. Play Button raak qaa'id taKhtariq fee HaDhir it tajawil راك قاعد تخترق في حظر إتّجوّل
Play Button You were speeding. Play Button kunt itsooq ibveetaas kbeer كنت تسوق بفيتاس كبير
Play Button The curfew is in effect. Play Button HaDhir it tajawil saaree il maf'ool حظر إتّجوّل سارِى إلمفعول
Play Button Did you know there is a curfew? Play Button fee baalik fama HaDhir tajawil? في بالك فمّه حظر تجوّل؟
Play Button The streets are not safe right now. Play Button il kayaasaat tawa iKhTeera إلكيّاسات توّه خطيره
Play Button We will escort you to your relatives. Play Button bash inwaSlik limaaleek باش نوصلك لِمّاليك
Play Button The police station will give you information about curfew. Play Button tawa ya'Teek markaz ish shurTa ma'loomaat 'ala HaDhir it tajawil تو يعطيك مركز الشرطه معلومات على حظر إتّجوّل
Play Button Turn off the engine. Play Button sakit il motor سكّت إلموتور
Play Button Get out of your vehicle. Play Button uKhruj mil karihba أخرج مِل كرهبه
Play Button May I see your ID, please? Play Button mumkin inshoof beeTaaqit ta'reefik min faDhlik? ممكن نْشوف بطاقة تعريفك من فضلك؟
Play Button Where are you going? Play Button feen qaaSid rabee? فين قاصد ربّي؟
Play Button Are you carrying any weapons? Play Button haaz im'aak islaaH? هاز معاك سلاح؟
Play Button How much money are you carrying? Play Button qidaah 'indik ifloos? قدّاه عندك فلوس؟
Play Button Who gave you the money? Play Button ishkoon 'aTaak lifloos? شكون عطاك لِفلوس؟
Play Button Do you have a gun under the seat? Play Button 'indak fard taHt il kursee? عندك فرد تحت إلكُرسي؟
Play Button Are you hiding anything illegal? Play Button imKhabee Haaja mush qaanooneeya? مخبّي حاجه مُش قانونيّه؟
Play Button Since you broke the law, we have to arrest you. Play Button bash inwaqfik 'ala KhaaTrik maHtaramtshee il qaanoon باش نوقفوك على خاطرك محترمتش إلقانون
Play Button We have to take you to the police station. Play Button laazim timshee im'aana il markaz ish shurTa لازم تمشِي معانا لمركز الشرطه
Play Button You will ride with us to the police station. Play Button bash timshee im'aana il markaz ish shurTa باش تِمشي معانا لمركز الشرطه
Play Button We detained this man bw___. Play Button waqafna ir raajil haaTha fee ___ وقّفنا إرّاجل هذا في ___
Play Button He broke the curfew. Play Button kasir HaDhir it tajawil كسّر حضر إتّجوّل
Play Button Can you help verify the man's identity? Play Button ta'rif ir raajil haaTha? تعرف إرّاجل هذا؟
Play Button He was hiding a gun. Play Button kaan imKhabee fard كان مخبِّي فرد
Play Button How many personnel are still on the job? Play Button qidaah min Khadaam maazaal fil Khidma? قدّاه من خدّام مازال فِل خدمه؟
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