Do you have a gun under the seat? |
'indak fard taHt il kursee? |
عندك فرد تحت إلكُرسي؟ |
Are you hiding anything illegal? |
imKhabee Haaja mush qaanooneeya? |
مخبّي حاجه مُش قانونيّه؟ |
Since you broke the law, we have to arrest you. |
bash inwaqfik 'ala KhaaTrik maHtaramtshee il qaanoon |
باش نوقفوك على خاطرك محترمتش إلقانون |
We have to take you to the police station. |
laazim timshee im'aana il markaz ish shurTa |
لازم تمشِي معانا لمركز الشرطه |
You will ride with us to the police station. |
bash timshee im'aana il markaz ish shurTa |
باش تِمشي معانا لمركز الشرطه |