I am not an official spokesperson. |
maneesh mitHadith rasmee |
مَنِيشْ مثتْحَدِثْ رَسْمِي |
Please wait for the public affairs representative. |
yi'ayshik istana mumathil il 'alaaqaat il 'aama |
يعَيْشِكْ إسْتَنّى مُمَثِلْ العَلاقَاتْ العَامة |
I can only tell you what I know. |
inazhim inqoolik kaan ilee na'arfoo |
إنِّجِمْ إنْقولَكْ كَانْ إلي نَعِرْفُه |
The situation is under control. |
il mawqif taHt is sayTara |
المَوقِفْ تِحْتْ السَيطْرَة |
We are doing everything we can to restore order. |
qa'deen na'imloo kul shey naqidroo 'aleyh bash inHafDhoo 'al niDhaam |
قعْدين نَعْمِلْو كُلْ شَي نَقْدرو عليه بِشْ إنْحَفْظُو عْل إنّْظَام |
We are doing everything we can to protect lives. |
qa'deen na'imloo kul shey naqidroo 'aleyh bash niHmoo in naas |
قعْدين نَعْمِلْو كُلْ شَي نَقْدرو عليه بِشْ نِحْمُو النَاسْ |
We are doing everything we can to save lives. |
qa'deen na'imloo kul shey naqidroo 'aleyh bash nunqiDhoo in naas |
قعْدين نَعْمِلْو كُلْ شَي نَقْدرو عليه بِشْ نُنْقضو النَاسْ |
There was an incident. |
kaan fama Haadith |
كَانْ فَمّه حَادِثْ |
The incident is under investigation. |
il Haadith taHt it taHqeeq |
الحَادِثْ تِحْت التحقيق |
We are taking this matter very seriously. |
yalzam naaKhiTh il mas-ala haaThee ibkul jideeya |
يَلْزَم نَاخْذُ المَسْئله هَذِي إبْكُلْ جَدِيه |
People have been injured. |
in naas itjarHoo |
النَاسْ إتْجِرْحُو |
Civilians have been injured. |
il madaneeyeen itjarHoo |
المَدِنِينْ إتْجِرحُو |
Police have been injured. |
ish shurTa itjarHoo |
الشُرطَة إتجِرْحُو |
Service members have been injured. |
ijmaa'a mil 'askar itjarHoo |
إجْمَاعَه مِلْ عَسْكَرْ إتْجِرحُو |
Service members have been killed. |
ijmaa'a mil 'askar maatoo |
إجْمَاعَه مِلْ عَسْكَرْ مَاتُو |
People have been killed. |
naas maatoo |
نَاسْ مَاتُو |
Civilians have been killed. |
madaneeyeen maatoo |
مَدَنِينْ مَاتُو |
Names cannot be released until victims' relatives are notified. |
mish bish na'Too asaamee iDh DhaHaaya kaan manit-aakad minhum |
مِشْ بِشْ نَعْطُو اسَامِي الضَحَايا كَانْ مَنِتْأكدُ مِنْهُمْ |
The official spokesman is expected here soon. |
in naaTiq ir rasmee bish yaHDhar fee aqrab waqt |
النَاطِقْ الرَسْمِي بِشْ يَحْضر فِي أقْرَبْ وَقْت |
Appropriate action will be taken. |
bish naaKhThoo il qaraar il laazim |
بِشْ َنَخْذُو القَرَارْ اللازِمْ |
We take every report of wrongdoing very seriously. |
bish naaKhThoo ibkul jideeya ay taqreer 'an ay Haaja gheyr qaanooneeya |
بِشْ نَخْذُو بكُلْ جِدِيه أي تَقرير عَنْ أي حَاجَه غَير قَانُونِية |
We have secured the area where the incident occurred. |
yilzamna in-amin il manTqa ilee Saar feeha il Haadith |
يَلْزَمْنَا إنْأمِّنُ المِنْطْقَه إلي صَار فِيها الحَادِتْ |
I am sorry but you have to wait for the report. |
saamiHnee yilzmik tistana it taqreer |
سَامِحْنِي يَلْزّمِكْ تِسْتَنّى التَقْرِيرْ |