Do you have an identity card? |
thiZing EZUngiZ barada dokumendingiZ barmi? |
Siziň özüňiz barada dokumendiňiz barmy? |
Show me your identification. |
manga dokumendingiZi gErkEZing |
Maňa dokumendiňizi görkeziň |
How many people live in this area? |
bu tEwErekde naache adam yashayar? |
Bu töwerekde näçe adam ýaşaýar? |
Who is the leader of this community? |
thiZing yolbashchingiZ kim? |
Siziň ýolbaşçyňyz kim? |
What is his name? |
onung adi naame? |
Onuň ady näme? |
Please write down his name. |
hayish edyan, onung adini yaZip bering |
Haýyşt edýän, onuň adyny ýazyp beriň |
Show us the leader. |
biZe yolbashchini gErkeZing |
Bize ýolbaşçyny görkeziň |
How many men and women live in this community? |
shu yerde naache erkek we naache ayal yashayar? |
Şu ýerde näçe erkek we näçe aýal ýaşaýar? |
How many children live here? |
shu yerde naache chagha yashayar? |
Şu ýerde näçe çaga ýaşaýar? |
Are there schools here for the children? |
bu yerde chaghalar UchUn mekdep barmi? |
Bu ýerde çagalar üçin mekdep barmy? |
Is there enough potable water for the people? |
adamlar UchUn ichimlik thoongiZ yeterlimi? |
Adamlar üçin içimlik suwyňyz ýeterlimi? |
Is there a water well? |
thUji thoo guyuthi barmi? |
Süýji suw guýusy barmy? |
Is there a public fountain? |
umumi thoo cheshmethi barmi? |
Umumy suw çeşmesi barmy? |
Are there any medics here? |
shu yerde medikler barmi? |
Şu ýerde medikler barmy? |
Are there any engineers? |
shu yerde inzhenerler barmi? |
Şu ýerde inženerler barmy? |
Are there any teachers? |
shu yerde mughalimlar barmi? |
Şu ýerde mugallymlar barmy? |
Are there empty buildings here? |
shu yerde bosh binalar barmi? |
Şu ýerde boş binalar barmy? |
Is there a local police force? |
shu yerde yerli polisiya barmi? |
Şu ýerde ýerli polisiýa barmy? |
Who is responsible for public safety here? |
kEpchUlighing houpthiZlighina kim joghapkar? |
Köpçüligiň howpsuzlygyndan kim jogapkär? |
Whose responsibility is fire protection? |
yanghin houpthiZlighina kim joghapkar? |
Ýangyn howpsuzlygyndan kim jogapkär? |
Do you have fire fighting equipment? |
yanghin thEndUrUji enjamlaringiZ barmi? |
Ýangyn söndüriji enjamlaryňyz barmy? |
Do you have a fire engine? |
yanghin thEndUrUji mashiningiZ barmi? |
Ýangyn söndüriji maşynyňyz barmy? |
Who do you call in case of an accident? |
betbaghtchilikli haditha bolanda kime yUZlenyangiZ? |
Betbagtçylykly hadysa bolanda kime ýüzlenýäňiz? |
Are there operational emergency vehicles here? |
shu yerde adatdan dashari yaghdaylar UchUn niyetlenen uloghlar barmi? |
Şu ýerde adatdan daşary ýagdaýlar üçin niýetlenen ulaglar barmy? |
How many telephones do you have in the area? |
shu yerde naache thaani telefon baar? |
Şu ýerde näçe sany telefon bar? |
How many homes have telephones here? |
shu yerde naache Eyde telefon baar? |
Şu ýerde näçe öýde telefon bar? |
Is there a functioning police station? |
shu yerde ishleyan polisiya punkti barmi? |
Şu ýerde işleýän polisiýa punkty barmy? |
How many personnel are still on the job? |
shu waght ish yerinde naache ishgaar baar? |
Şu wagt iş ýerinde näçe işgär bar? |
What's the means of communication? |
haythi araghatnashik therishdethini ulonyangiZ? |
Haýsy aragatnaşyk serişdesini ulanýaňyz? |
Can the police station function normally without U.S. assistance? |
polisiya punkti amerikan kEmEghi bolmaZdan ishini dowam edip bilermi? |
Polisiýa punkty amerikan kömegi bolmazdan işini dowam edip bilermi? |
Can U.S. forces depend on the local police to perform their duties as needed? |
amerikan gUchleri yerli polisiyaning UthtUne dUshyan weZipeleri dooli yerine yetirjekdighine inanip bilermi? |
Amerikan güýçleri ýerli polisiýanyň üstüne düşýän wezipeleri doly ýerine ýetirjekdigine ynanyp bilermi? |
How many vehicles are available? |
elingiZde naache thaani ulogh baar? |
Eliňizde näçe sany ulag bar? |
What is the telephone number? |
telefon nomeri naache? |
Telefon nomeri näçe? |
Do you use radio communications? |
rasiya arkali hem hawarlashyangiZmi? |
Rasiýa arkaly hem habarlaşýaňyzmy? |