Who is in charge of repairing roads? |
yol bejerish ishlerine kim joghapkar? |
Ýol bejeriş işlerine kim jogapkär? |
Do you have a map of this area? |
thiZde shu yering kartathi barmi? |
Sizde şu ýeriň kartasy barmy? |
We will provide assistance in building roads at this location. |
biZ shu yerde yol gurmagha kEmEklesherith |
Biz şu ýerde ýol gurmaga kömekleşeris |
Can you provide a road map of this area? |
thiZ shu yering yol kartathini tapip bilerthingiZmi? |
Siz şu ýeriň ýol kartasyny tapyp bilersiňizmi? |
Do you have any machinery for road building? |
yol gurlushighi UchUn tehnikangiZ barmi? |
Ýol gurluşygy üçin tehnikaňyz barmy? |
Do you have any machinery for road repairs? |
yol bejerish UchUn tehnikangiZ barmi? |
Ýol bejeriş üçin tehnikaňyz barmy? |
We have to set up storage locations for supply materials in the area. |
biZ UpjUnchilik materialari UchUn shu tEwErekde amar gurmali |
Biz üpjünçilik materiallary üçin şu töwerekde ammar gurmaly |
Are there any railroad tracks in this area? |
shu tEwErekde demir yol barmi? |
Şu töwerekde demirýol barmy? |
Do you have transportation facilities in this area? |
shu tEwErekde transport edaralari barmi? |
Şu töwerekde transport edaralary barmy? |
Are there any airports nearby? |
golayda aeroport barmi? |
Golaýda aeroport barmy? |
Are there any landing fields for smaller aircraft nearby? |
golayda kichi ucharlar UchUn gonush Zolaghi barmi? |
Golaýda kiçi uçarlar üçin gonuş zolagy barmy? |
Are there any pipelines in the area? |
tEwErekde gechiriji turbalar barmi? |
Töwerekde geçiriji turbalar barmy? |
Is the pipeline fenced off in this area? |
shu yerde gechiriji turbaning tEwEreghi germelenmi? |
Şu ýerde geçiriji turbanyň töweregi germelenmi? |
Is the traffic heavy in this area? |
shu yering mashin gatnawi kanmi? |
Şu ýeriň maşyn gatnawy känmi? |
Are there bus lines or trains to travel to other places? |
bashgha yerlere gitmek UchUn avtobus yada otli gatnayarmi? |
Başga ýerlere gitmek üçin awtobus ýa-da otly gatnaýarmy? |
Are there taxis? |
taksi barmi? |
Taksi barmy? |
Do these roads get snowed in during the winter? |
shu yolara gishda gar yaghyarmi? |
Şu ýollara gyşda gar ýagýarmy? |
How many people own motor vehicles in this area? |
shu yerde naache adamda ulogh baar? |
Şu ýerde näçe adamda ulag bar? |
Are there trucking companies nearby? |
golayda uli yUk mashinlarini ishledyan transport firmalari barmi? |
Golaýda uly ýük maşynlaryny işledýän transport firmalary barmy? |
Do you have radio contact with people in other places? |
thiZing bashgha yerlerdaki adamlar bilen rasiya baghlanshighingiZ barmi? |
Siziň başga ýerlerdäki adamlar bilen rasiýa baglanşygyňyz barmy? |