Put your hands on the steering wheel and do not move them. |
elingiZi rolda thaklang we gimildatmang |
Eliňizi rolda saklaň we gymyldatmaň |
You are breaking the curfew. |
thiZ komendant thaghadina uymayarthingiZ |
Siz komendant sagadyna uýmaýarsyňyz |
You were speeding. |
thiZ gati teeZ thUrdingiZ |
Siz gaty tiz sürdiňiz |
The curfew is in effect. |
haZir komendant thaghadi |
Häzir komendant sagady |
Did you know there is a curfew? |
komendant thaghadindan habaringiZ barmi? |
Komendant sagadyndan habaryňyz barmy? |
Do you have a gun under the seat? |
oturghijing ashaghinda yaragingiZ barmi? |
Oturgyjyň aşagynda ýaragyňyz barmy? |
Are you hiding anything illegal? |
giZleyan bikanun ZadingiZ barmi? |
Gizleýän bikanun zadyňyz barmy? |
Since you broke the law, we have to arrest you. |
kanuni boZanlighingiZ UchUn biZ thiZi tuthsogh etmeli |
Kanuny bozanlygyňyz üçin biz sizi tussag etmeli |
We have to take you to the police station. |
biZ thiZi polisiya punktina akitmeli |
Biz sizi polisiýa punktyna äkitmeli |
You will ride with us to the police station. |
thiZ biZ bilen polisiya punktina gelerthingiZ |
Siz biz bilen polisiýa punktyna gelersiňiz |
We detained this man at ___. |
biZ bu adami ___ da thakladik |
Biz bu adamy ___ da sakladyk |
He broke the curfew. |
ol komendant thaghadina uymadi |
Ol komendant sagadyna uýmady |
Can you help verify the man's identity? |
onung kimdighini tathiklamagha kEmEk edip bilerthingiZmi? |
Onuň kimdigini tassyklamaga kömek edip bilersiňizmi? |
He was hiding a gun. |
onda giZlin tUpEng tapildi |
Onda gizlin tüpeň tapyldy |