Who now occupies your farm? |
shu waght fermangiZda kim yashayar? |
Şu wagt fermaňyzda kim ýaşaýar? |
Have you talked with them? |
thiZ olar bilen gUrleshdingiZmi? |
Siz olar bilen gürleşdiňizmi? |
Do you have documentation? |
dokumentleringiZ barmi? |
Dokumentleriňiz barmy? |
You think it's dangerous? |
thiZche bu houplimi? |
Sizçe bu howplymy? |
I will contact the appropriate authorities to investigate this matter. |
men shu methelani derngemak UchUn gerekli hakimiyetlere hawar bererin |
Men şu meseläni derňemek üçin gerekli häkimiýetlere habar bererin |
Please know we will assist you. |
biZ thiZe hEkman kEmEk ederith |
Biz size hökman kömek ederis |
You must allow the local authorities to conduct their investigation. |
thiZ yerli hakimyetlere EZ derngewlerini gechirmaghe rughthat bermeli |
Siz ýerli häkimiyetlere öz derňewlerini geçirmäge rugsat bermeli |
You must go to the base and speak with an interpreter. |
thiZ baza barip terjimechi bilen gUrleshmeli |
Siz baza baryp terjimeçi bilen gürleşmeli |
The name of the owner |
eyethining adi |
Eýesiniň ady |
The name of the property |
emlaghing adi |
Emlägiň ady |