Do you have pain in this joint I'm touching? |
mening eleyan boghunimda aghiri barmi? |
Meniň elleýän bogunymda agyry barmy? |
Do you have pain in any other joint? |
bashgha boghunlaringiZda aghiri barmi? |
Başga bogunlaryňyzda agyry barmy? |
Which joint hurts the most? |
ing kEp aghiryan boghun haythi? |
Iň köp agyrýan bogun haýsy? |
Do you have pain in this muscle I'm touching? |
mening eleyan myshthamda aghiri barmi? |
Meniň elleýän myşsamda agyry barmy? |
Do you have pain in any other muscle? |
bashgha mishsalaringiZda aghiri barmi? |
Başga myşsalaryňyzda agyry barmy? |
Where is the muscle pain? |
haythi myshtha aghiryar? |
Haýsy myşsa agyrýar? |
Is this muscle cramping? |
shu mishsa chekip aghiryarmi? |
Şu myşsa çekip agyrýarmy? |
Have you ever had any broken bones? |
shu waghta chenli thUnkUngUZ dEwUlip gErdUmi? |
Şu wagta çenli süňküňüz döwülip gördimi? |
What bones have you broken? |
haythi thUnkleringiZ dEwUldi? |
Haýsy süňkleriňiz döwüldi? |
Does it hurt when I do this? |
sheydemde aghiryarmi? |
Şeýdemde agyrýarmy? |
Do this. |
sheyley eding |
Şeýle ediň |
You need an X-ray of your bone. |
thUngkingiZing rentgenini almali |
Süňkiňiziň rentgenini almaly |
I will examine the X-ray and tell you what I see. |
men rentgene theredip, gErenimi thiZe aydarin |
Men rentgene seredip, görenimi size aýdaryn |
The bone is broken here. |
thUngk shu yerden dEwUk |
Süňk şu ýerden döwük |
The bone is not broken here. |
thUngk bu yerden dEwUk dal |
Süňk bu ýerden döwük däl |
The splint must be replaced after you have cleaned yourself. |
yuwunip bolaningiZdan thung theyighi taZelang |
Ýuwunyp bolanyňyzdan soň seýigi täzeläň |
You need a metal plate and screws to help the healing of your bone. |
thUngk bityanchaa demir plitka dakmali bolor |
Süňk bitýänçä demir plitka dakmaly bolar |
We need to take you to the Operating Room to perform an operation on you. |
biZ thiZi operasiya etmek UchUn operasiya otaghina akitmeli |
Biz sizi operasiýa etmek üçin operasiýa otagyna äkitmeli |