You have been hurt. |
thiZ yarali |
Siz ýaraly |
We are all working to help you. |
biZing hemamiZ thiZe kEmEk etmek UchUn ishleyarith |
Biziň hemmämiz size kömek etmek üçin işleýäris |
Help us take care of you. |
thiZe kEmEk edip bilmeghimiZ UchUn biZe goldow bering |
Size kömek edip bilmegimiz üçin bize goldaw beriň |
We have to remove your clothes. |
biZ thiZing eshikleringiZi chikarmali |
Biz siziň eşikleriňizi çykarmaly |
Do you have any bad reactions to any medicine? |
thiZing dermanlara garshi erwet reaksiyangiZ barmi? |
Siziň dermanlara garşy erbet reaksiýaňyz barmy? |
Is this from a vehicle crash? |
bu yara avariyadanmi? |
Bu ýara awariýadanmy? |
Did a person do this to you? |
thiZe muni eden inthanmi? |
Size muny eden ynsanmy? |
Did you lose consciousness after this happened? |
shu bolanindan thung chaashdingiZmi? |
Şu bolanyndan soň çaşdyňyzmy? |
Did you lose more than this much blood? |
shuncharakdan kEp gan yitirdingiZmi? |
Şunçarakdan köp gan ýitirdiňizmi? |
Point to all the parts of your body that hurt. |
aghiryan yerleringiZi elingiZ bilen gErkEZing |
Agyrýan ýerleriňizi eliňiz bilen görkeziň |