This is the ___ public affairs office.
bu ___ halk hiZmatlari edarathi
Bu ___ halk hyzmatlary edarasy
This is not the public affairs office.
bu halk hiZmatlari edarathi dal
Bu halk hyzmatlary edarasy däl
What is your name?
adingiZ naame?
Adyňyz näme?
What media organization do you represent?
thiZ haythi habar berish guramathining wekili?
Siz haýsy habar beriş guramasynyň wekili?
Where is your organization based?
thiZing guramangiZing dUywi nirede?
Siziň guramaňyzyň düýbi nirede?
What is your publication?
thiZing publikasiyangiZ haythi?
Siziň publikasiýaňyz haýsy?
What is your program?
thiZing programangiZ naame?
Siziň programmaňyz näme?
What is the subject of this article?
bu makalaning temathi naame?
Bu makalanyň temasy näme?
What is your question?
thiZing thoraghiniZ naame?
Siziň soragyňyz näme?
Could you please ask the question in a different way?
thiZ shu thoraghi biraZ bashghacha thorap bilerthingiZmi?
Siz şu soragy biraz başgaça sorap bilersiňizmi?
Could you please use simpler language?
thadarak dilde gUrlap bilerthingiZmi?
Sadarak dilde gürläp bilersiňizmi?
What is your deadline?
thiZing thongki throghingiZ hachan?
Siziň soňky srogyňyz haçan?
In two days
iki gUnde
Iki günde
In three days
Uch gUnde
Üç günde
Next week
indiki hepde
Indiki hepde
Next month
indiki ay
Indiki aý
What is your phone number?
thiZing telefon nomeringiZ naache?
Siziň telefon nomeriňiz näçe?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
bir, iki, Uch, dErt, bash, alti, yedi, thekiZ, dokuZ, oon
Bir, iki, üç, dört, bäş, alty, ýedi, sekiz, dokuz, on
Please say one number at a time.
nomerleri bir birden aythaniZlang
Nomerleri bir birden aýtsaňyzlaň
A press release on that subject is being prepared.
bu mouZuk barada yErUte metbughat beyanamathi tayarlanyar
Bu mowzuk barada ýörite metbugat beýannamasy taýýarlanýar
There will be a press conference on that subject.
ol mouZukda yErUte metbughat konferensiyathi gechiriljek
Ol mowzukda ýörite metbugat konferensiýasy geçiriljek
The time for the press release has not been decided yet.
metbughat beyanamathining waghti entek belenilmedi
Metbugat beýannamasynyň wagty entek bellenilmedi