I do not wish to give an interview. |
men intervyu berishni KhoHlamayman |
Men intervyu berishni xohlamayman |
He does not wish to give an interview. |
u intervyu berishni KhoHlamaydi |
U interview berishni xohlamaydi |
She does not wish to give an interview. |
u intervyu berishni KhoHlamaydi |
U interview berishni xohlamaydi |
I am not qualified to answer that question. |
men bu savolga javob bera olmayman |
Men bu savolga javob bera olmayman |
She is not qualified to answer that question. |
u bu savolga javob bera olmaydi |
U bu savolga javob bera olmaydi |
He is not qualified to answer that question. |
u bu savolga javob bera olmaydi |
U bu savolga javob bera olmaydi |
He does not want to answer that question. |
u bu savolga javob berishni istamaydi |
U bu savolga javob berishni istamaydi |
She does not want to answer that question. |
u bu savolga javob berishni istamaydi |
U bu savolga javob berishni istamaydi |
I will not answer this question. |
men bu savolga javob bermayman |
Men bu savolga javob bermayman |
I have no answer at this time. |
bu savolga Hozir javobim yohQ |
Bu savolga hozir javobim yo'q |
I would like to stop this interview. |
men bu intervyuni tohKhtatishni istayman |
Men bu interviewni to'xtatishni istayman |
She would like to stop this interview. |
u bu intervyuni tohKhtatishni istaydi |
U bu interviewni to'xtatishni istaydi |
He would like to stop this interview. |
u bu intervyuni tohKhtatishni istaydi |
U bu interviewni to'xtatishni istaydi |
No comment. |
izoH yohQ |
Izoh yo'q |
Can you please ask the question in simpler language? |
iltimos, savolingizni osonroQ ravishda bera olasizmi? |
Iltimos, savolingizni osonroq ravishda bera olasizmi? |