Do you have fire fighting equipment? |
naa yo shyaw vaang sa bey vaa? |
捺有消防设备伐? |
Do you have a fire engine? |
naa yo shyaw vaang tsuo vaa? |
捺有消防车伐? |
Who do you call in case of an accident? |
vey yi tsa zi tee, nong kang saa nying tan tee yowaa? |
万一出事体,侬跟啥人打电话啊? |
Are there operational emergency vehicles here? |
kataa yo kuyee tong sozu gha chyu wu tsuovaa? |
搿笪有可以动手术搿救护车伐? |
How many telephones do you have in the area? |
kataa teechyu yaw toosaw tee huwo? |
葛搿地区有多少电话? |
How many homes have telephones here? |
kataa yo toosaw nying kaa yaw tee huwo? |
搿笪有多少人家有电话? |
Is there a functioning police station? |
kataa yo ching tsa jyu vaa? |
搿笪有警察局伐? |
How many personnel are still on the job? |
yo toosaw wey ching kong dzuo? |
有多少还勒工作? |
What's the means of communication? |
yong saagha tong shwing so doo? |
用啥搿通讯手段? |
Can the police station function normally without U.S. assistance? |
ching tsa jo mm ma meyko paang mang neng va neng kong dzuo? |
警察局呒没美国帮忙能勿能工作? |