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Play Button Is there a medical facility nearby? Play Button wu jing yo ee lyo sa siz vaa? 附近有医疗设施伐?
Play Button Are there any doctors in the area? Play Button kataa teechyu yo ee saang vaa? 葛搿地区有医生伐?
Play Button How many beds do you have at the medical facility? Play Button ee yoo lee yo toosaw saang wey? 医院里有多少床位?
Play Button How many people work at the hospital? Play Button ee yoo lee yo toosaw kong dzuo zen yu? 医院里有多少工作人员?
Play Button How many nurses? Play Button toosaw woozi? 多少护士?
Play Button Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? Play Button dzuoo jing ka gha dichyu yaw saagha suo zuo bing vaa? 最近葛搿地区有啥搿传染病伐?
Play Button Is there a pharmacy? Play Button yo yaa vaang vaa? 有药房伐?
Play Button Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? Play Button naa yo va yo i zaang taa lo kuyee pa aa la dzoo yi lyaw dzong shing aa? 捺有勿有一幢大楼可以拨阿拉做医疗中心啊?
Play Button We would like to talk to people about immunization. Play Button aa laa yo ko naa tey dey mee yi chi dzong gha si tee 阿拉要交捺谈谈免疫接种搿事体
Play Button We would like to talk to people about sanitization. Play Button aa laa yo ko naa tey dey wey seng gha si tee 阿拉要交捺谈谈卫生搿事体
Play Button Is there a medical emergency facility? Play Button yo ve yo ee lyo chi chyu saa si? 有勿有医疗急救设施?
Play Button We have to establish a safe working environment. Play Button aa laa yaw chi leh yi gha u jyu gha kong dzuo kwey ching 阿拉要建立一个安全搿工作环境
Play Button We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. Play Button aa laa ka gha ee lyo dzong shin yaw dzaw eesaan 阿拉葛搿医疗中心要招医生
Play Button We have to hire nurses for this facility. Play Button aa laa ka gha ee lyo dzong shing yaw dzaw woo zi 阿拉葛搿医疗中心要招护士
Play Button We have to hire office personnel for this facility. Play Button aa laa ka gha ee lyo dzong shing yaw dzaw pey kong saa kong dzuo neng yu 阿拉葛搿医疗中心要招办公室工作人员
Play Button We have to hire a custodian for this facility. Play Button aa laa ee lyo dzong shin yaw dzaw yi ga ching cheh kong 阿拉医疗中心要招一个清洁工
Play Button Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? Play Button mm ma meyko gha paang zu, taang dee gha nying leh va leh siz va zi neng ko ying foo mu jee ga saang waang? 没有美国搿帮助,当地搿人力物力是不是能够应付目前的伤亡?
Play Button Is the local drinking water potable? Play Button taang dee gha ying yong si siz va zi kuyee suo sen ta? 当地搿饮用水是勿是可以随身带?
Play Button Who determined that the water is potable? Play Button si siz va zi kuyee taa siz saa nying chyu ding gha? 水是勿是可以带是啥人决定搿?
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