Do not stop if the convoy is attacked! |
chyaasi tsuo day paang taw sheeji, naa va yo ting huwo ley! |
假使车队碰到袭击,捺勿要停下来! |
Drive a minimum of 3 kms before stopping. |
dzu saw key sey kong lee dzey ting |
最少开三公里再停 |
Following distance is 100m on open highway. |
laa tsaang tong gha kaw so kong lu laang ken tsuo gha chyu li si yi pa mee |
勒畅通搿高速公路浪跟车搿距离是一百米 |
Following distance is 50m in towns. |
zi chyu ken tsuo gha chyu lee si ng sa mee |
市区跟车搿距离是五十米 |
When stopped on the road, keep enough space between vehicles to drive around if required. |
laa mo loo laang ting hu ley gha sengkwang, tsuodzi dzi chee yo kong tsa dzuo kou gha teefaang, kuyee nyaang tsuodzi nyawtaw key ku |
勒马路浪停下来搿辰光,车子之间要 空出足够搿地方,可以让车子绕道开过 |
If you lose sight of the convoy, slow down and wait for a military truck to pass you, and follow it. |
chyaasi kaang nong ku vaa chee tsuo dey la, jo key la meyng dee, teng taw yo chwing tsuo key ku jo ken law yee |
假使讲侬看勿见车队了,就开勒慢点,等到有军车开过就跟牢伊 |
No weapons. |
vaa kuyee yong wuchee |
勿可以用武器 |
No cell phone use. |
ve kuyee yong souchee |
勿可以用手机 |
Do not throw food or water to the locals. |
vaa yo ney si huwo dzey cho gha ma zi kwey pa taang di nying |
勿要拿水或者吃搿物事甩拨当地人 |
No littering or dumping trash on military camps or staging areas. |
vaa kuyee laa chwing ying huwo dzey che ji dee kwey laa shee |
不可以勒军营或者集结地甩垃圾 |
Go around any broken down truck in the convoy. |
nyaw koo tso dey lee seng hu pawmaw gha tsuodzi |
绕过车队里任何抛锚搿车子 |
No flashing beacons. |
vashyu yong su kwaang aang shyaang teng |
不许用闪光航向灯 |
Fuel vehicle every time vehicle stops. |
mey taang tsuodzi ting huwo ley ju kaa yaw |
每趟车子停下来就加油 |
Food is provided at some military camps when available. |
yo waa chwing ying wey tee kong cho gha maa zi |
有搿军营会提供吃搿物事 |
Bring plenty of food and water with you. |
taa dzu si kaw cho gha mazi |
带足水交吃搿物事 |
If you have to stop for any reason and the convoy continues, wait for help from the military. |
chyaasi yingwey mo dzong nyu ying nong ey ding yaw ting huwo ley, tey zi tsuo dey hey laa chee zuo shee chin, nong chyu teng chun faang ley paang mang |
假使因为某种原因侬一定要停下来,但是车队还勒继续前进,农就等军方来帮忙 |
They will escort you back into position. |
yee laa wey ney nong song taw tsuo dey chi gha |
伊拉会捺侬送到车队去搿 |
No fighting or arguing with any other driver over position in convoy. |
vaa yaw wey laa tsuo dey lee gha weydzi kaw sen hu yi ga chyaa si yu tsao |
勿要为了车队里搿位子交任何一个驾驶员吵 |
Drive in a single file. |
key tsuodzi gha sengkwang paa yi loo dzong dey key |
开车子搿辰光排一路纵队开 |
Be prepared to stop and assist broken down trucks. (Note: This is an instruction for bobtail drivers.) |
su zi dzen bey haw ting huwo ley paang zoo paw maw gha kaa tsuo |
随时准备好停下来帮助抛锚搿卡车 |
Report any problems with other drivers to the convoy commander. |
kaw chee taa chaa si yu paan taw su bee saagha van di sey yaw shyaang tsuo dey dzi huwey wey paw |
交其他驾驶员碰到随便啥搿问题侪要向车队指挥汇报 |
No drug or alcohol use while driving. |
key tsuodzi gha sengkwang vaa kuyee che yaa wo dzey chaw chyu |
开车子搿辰光勿可以吃药或者吃酒 |
Know how to change tires and have proper tools. |
yaw shyawta naa neng tyaw leng tey kaw tyaw leng tey shi yogha kong chyu |
要晓得哪能调轮胎交调轮胎需要搿工具 |
Loads, straps, chains, and tires are the drivers' responsibility. |
dzey dzong, taa dzi, lee dyaw, leng tey sey zi si chee yaw vu dza gha |
载重 、带子、链条、轮胎侪是司机要负责搿 |
Check every time the convoy stops. |
mey taang tsuo dey ting huwo ley zey yaw chee zoo |
每趟车队停下来侪要检查 |