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Play Button How many people live in this area? Play Button yaw toosaw nying siz la ka gha teechyu? 有多少人住勒葛搿地区?
Play Button How many water wells do you have in this area? Play Button ka gha teechyu yaw toosaw ching? 葛搿地区有多少井?
Play Button Do you have a sewage system in this area? Play Button ka gha teechyu yaw huoe si daw vaa? 葛搿地区有下水道伐?
Play Button How far are the latrines from the water wells? Play Button tsi soo lee ching yaw toosaw yu? 厕所离井有多少远?
Play Button What type of herds graze in this area? Play Button ka gha teechyu yaw naa neng ka gha seng ko tsaw liyo? 葛搿 地区有哪能介搿牲口草料?
Play Button Is there a veterinarian? Play Button yaw so yee vaa? 有兽医伐 ?
Play Button Are there any factories in the area? Play Button ka gha teechyu yaw tsaang vaa? 葛搿地区有厂伐?
Play Button Is there a river nearby? Play Button kataa voojing yaw hu pang vaa? 搿笪附近有河浜伐?
Play Button Where do you get electricity from? Play Button naa tee yee si song saa deefaang ley gha? 捺电是从啥地方来搿?
Play Button Is there a power plant nearby? Play Button kataa voojing yaw fa dee tsaang vaa? 搿笪附近有发电厂伐?
Play Button What kind of electrical appliances do people use? Play Button naa kataa yong saagha tee chee? 捺搿笪用啥搿电器?
Play Button Do you use electric stoves? Play Button naa yong tee loo vaa? 捺用电炉伐?
Play Button Have there been forest fires in the area? Play Button kataa voojing yaw seng ling hoo tsey vaa? 搿笪附近有森林火灾伐?
Play Button Are there any gas pipes around here? Play Button kataa voojing yaw mey chee koo vaa? 搿笪附近有煤气管伐?
Play Button Do you use gas to heat homes around here? Play Button naa kataa siz va zi yong mey chee chu noov aa? 捺搿笪是勿是用煤气取暖啊?
Play Button Is gas used for cooking? Play Button saw vey yong mey chee vaa? 烧饭用煤气伐?
Play Button Do you use propane gas tanks? Play Button naa yong ya ho chee vaa? 捺用液化气伐?
Play Button Where do you get propane gas tanks supplied from? Play Button nong zi song saa deefaang maa ya ho cheev aa? 侬是从啥地方买液化气啊?
Play Button Is there anyone to inspect home gas appliances? Play Button yaw nying jee zo o lee shyaang gha mey chee yong ju vaa? 有人检查屋里厢搿煤气用具伐?
Play Button Is there an electrician here? Play Button kataa yaw tee kong vaa? 搿笪有电工伐?
Play Button Is there a water supply system to households? Play Button mey kaa nying kaa siz va zi yaw kong si yee tong? 每家人家是勿是有供水系统?
Play Button Where is the facility located? Play Button saa bey laa saa deefaang? 设备勒啥地方?
Play Button How many people operate the system? Play Button kaa gha yee tong yaw toosaw nying tsaw dzaw? 葛搿系统有多少人操作?
Play Button Is it connected to other water supply systems? Play Button ka kaw pey gha kong si yee tong lee law vaa? 葛交别搿供水系统连牢伐?
Play Button Is it functional? Play Button ka ey haw yong vaa? 葛还好用伐?
Play Button Where are the sources of raw water? Play Button si nyu laa saa deefaang? 水源勒啥地方?
Play Button Is it polluted? Play Button woo zu koo vaa? 污染过伐?
Play Button Is there a water treatment used? Play Button ka gha si tsu lee koo vaa? 葛水处理过伐?
Play Button Is it chemical? Play Button si hoo yaa ping vaa? 是化学品伐?
Play Button Is it through filtration? Play Button ka zi tong ku goo lu ya vaa? 葛是通过过滤搿伐?
Play Button Is it by sedimentation? Play Button ka zi ching koo seng dee woo ley gha vaa? 葛是经过沉淀下来搿伐?
Play Button Where is the pumping station? Play Button si paang zey sey saa deefaang? 水泵站在啥地方?
Play Button How many people are needed to keep the system functional? Play Button kagha yee tong paw zi yuwing dzu shyu yaw toosaw nying? 葛搿系统保持运转需要多少人?
Play Button We've heard that there have been some problems with sewage in this neighborhood. Play Button aa la ting sa naa ka kwey tee chu oo si daw yo tee veng dee 阿拉听说捺葛块地区下水道有点问题
Play Button Do you have indoor plumbing? Play Button naa sa ney yo si lo ku vaa? 捺室内有水落管伐?
Play Button Do you have any problems with your plumbing? Play Button naa si lo kwu dzi yo weng dee vaa? 捺水落管子有问题伐?
Play Button Does your toilet work? Play Button naa to si mo dong ey haw yong vaa? 捺抽水马桶还好用伐?
Play Button How many toilets do you have in the house? Play Button vaang dzi lee yo chee dza to si muoe dong? 房子里有几只抽水马桶?
Play Button Do you have a septic tank? Play Button naa yo voo ley koo vaa? 捺有腐烂罐伐 ?
Play Button Is there anyone who can fix your sewer? Play Button yo nying paang nong shyo oo si daw vaa? 有人帮侬修下水道伐?
Play Button Have you contacted anyone regarding this problem? If so who? Play Button nong yo va yoo kaw saa nying lee shee koo ka gha zitee? chyaa si leeshee kowa, zi kao saa nying? 侬有勿有交啥人联系过葛桩事体?假使联系过搿,是交啥人?
Play Button When did you contact them? Play Button nong saa sengkwang kaw yee laa lee shee gha? 侬啥辰光交伊拉联系搿?
Play Button I will report this higher up and see if there is something we can do to fix the sewage problem. Play Button oo si daw gha weng dee nguo wey saang paw gha, ku ku aa laa kuyee dzu tee saagha ley chya chu ka gha weng dee 下水道搿问题我会上报搿,看看阿拉可以做点啥来解决葛搿问题
Play Button We will contact the sewage company and find out what is being done to correct the problem. Play Button aa laa wey ta kaw huwo si daw kong si lee shee, ku ku yee laa ku va ku yee chyaa chu ka tee weng dee 阿拉会得交下水 道公司联系,看看伊拉可勿可以解决葛点问题
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