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Play Button Everything will be done to make you feel better again. Play Button aa la wey ching liang shyaang peh faa nyang nong sa yi yi ngyeh nga 阿拉会尽量想办法让侬适宜一眼搿
Play Button You are only slightly wounded. Play Button nong dza so la yi ngyeh chin sang 侬只受了一眼轻伤
Play Button You will soon be up again. Play Button nong law kwaa jyu wey haw gha 侬老快就会好搿
Play Button Your condition is serious, but you will get better. Play Button nong nga ching kwang meh nee zong, tezi wey hawchee leh gha 侬搿情况蛮严重,但是会好起来搿
Play Button You will get better if you let us take care of you. Play Button chaasi nong nyang aa la leh dzawgu nong, nong jyu wey haw yi ngyeh la 假使侬让阿拉来照顾侬,侬就会好一眼了
Play Button You are seriously hurt. Play Button nong zu la song saang 侬受了重伤
Play Button You are seriously ill. Play Button nong maw bing meh chi kun nga 侬毛病蛮结棍搿
Play Button It will probably take a long time for you to get better. Play Button nong maw bin taa keh yaw jyaw gwey zengwaang dzeh wey haw chi leh 侬毛病大概要交关辰光再会好起来
Play Button The surgery was successful. Play Button su za law seng kong nga 手术老 成功搿
Play Button We were able to help you. Play Button aa la kooyi paang nong 阿拉可以 帮侬
Play Button We had to remove this. Play Button aa le yaw ney la gha ney ta 阿拉要拿葛搿拿忑
Play Button We tried, but we could not save this. Play Button aa la yi ching ching li la, pa ku ka gha heh zi mee va liao 阿拉已经尽力了,不过葛搿还是免勿了
Play Button You were hurt very badly. Play Button nong saang la mey chi kwung ga 侬伤了蛮结棍搿
Play Button You will be fine. Play Button nong wey haw ga 侬会好搿
Play Button You will need time to heal. Play Button nong hweyfo shyu yaw senkwaang 侬恢复需要辰光
Play Button We will arrange for your transport back to your country. Play Button aa la wey u baa ney nong song wey kwo ga 阿拉会安排拿侬送回国搿
Play Button We will send you to another place. Play Button aa la yaw ney nong song taw lin ngaa yi ga deefaang chee 阿拉要拿侬送到另外一个地方去
Play Button You need more care. Play Button nong shyu yaw ken gaa too gha dzaw ku 浓需要更加 多搿 照顾
Play Button You will return to your Unit when you are better. Play Button teng nong haw yi ngyeh la, aa la wey ney nong song taw pu dey chee ga 等侬好一眼了,阿拉会拿侬送到部队去搿
Play Button I will be back soon. Play Button nguo law kwaa chyu wey wey leh gha 我老快就会回来搿
Play Button I will check back later to see how you are doing. Play Button nguo koo yi shi dzeh leh kuku nong nga ching kwaang 我过一歇再来看看侬搿情况
Play Button Return tomorrow so we can be sure you get better. Play Button ming dzaw dzeh leh, ka neng gaa aa la dzeh kooyi chu ding nong haw ngyeh la 明朝再来,葛能介阿拉再可以确定侬好眼了
Play Button Return in one week so we can be sure you get better. Play Button yi ga lee paa yi u dzeh leh, aa la dzeh kooyi chu ding nong haw ngyeh la 一个礼拜以后再来,阿拉再可以确定侬好眼了
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