___ will be here soon. |
___ teeyah neh pesong song |
___ tiya’ ne pesong song |
I will call on you to speak. |
akoo ngelengngan see ka oo para memes sa |
Aku ngelengngan si ka’u para memessa |
He will call on you to speak. |
seeyeh ngelengngan see ka oo para memes sa |
Siye ngelengngan si ka’u para memessa |
She will call on you to speak. |
seeyeh ngelengngan see ka oo para memes sa |
Siye ngelengngan si ka’u para memessa |
Please ask only one question each time you are called on. |
boosoong boosoong ngesooboo hadja demboowah pengesooboo beng kew neeleengnganan |
Busung busung ngesubu hadja dembuwa’ pengesubu bang kew nilingnganan |
You may ask one legitimate follow-up question per turn. |
mekejaree kew ngesooboo demboowah kabeen nal pengesooboo beng see ka oo neh |
Mekejari kew ngesubu dembuwa’ kabinnal pengesubu beng si ka’u ne |
Please wait for the interpreter to translate your question. |
boosoong boosoong ngagad kew see megpepehateehee soopaaya mekema ana see pengesooboo noo |
Busung busung ngagad kew si megpepahati supaya mekemaana si pengesubu nu |
Please wait for the interpreter to translate your answer. |
boosoong boosoong ngagad kew see megpepehateehee soopaaya mekema ana see samboong noo |
Busung busung ngagad kew si megpepahati supaya mekemaana si sambung nu |
That is a separate question; there may be time to address it later. |
eeyan eeneen seed dee pengesooboo; segooroo kaloo kaloo neeyah eeneen oras teh bees sa see soosoongoon |
Iyan inin sedde’e pengesubu; suguru kalu kalu niya’ inin oras te bissa si susungun |
We ran out of time. |
keeteh eeneen keh ooboosan oras |
Kite inin ke-ubusan oras |
If he promised you information, be sure to give your contact information to ___. |
beng seeyeh ngakoo ka oo habal, neseeseeteh kew ngooroong beng seeneh kekontak noo ___ |
Beng siye ngaku ka’u habal, nesisite kew urungan beng seene kekontak nu ___ |
If she promised you information, be sure to give your contact information to her. |
beng seeyeh ngakoo ka oo habal, neseeseeteh kew ngooroong koontak habal seeseeyeh |
Beng siye ngaku ka’u habal, nesisita kew ngurung kontak habal si siye |
If I promised you information, be sure to give your contact information to me. |
beng ka oo ngejanjeeh see akoo habal, soobey teh ed pengooroong noo eeneen kontak noo habal see akoo |
Beng ku ngejanji’ si ka’u habal, subey teed pengurung nu inin kontak nu habal si aku |
Another session will take place later today. |
eeneen sad dee pegtoompook meg hadeel pesong song el lew eeyan |
Inin saddi pegtumpuk meghadil pesong song ellew iyan |
Thanks for your cooperation. |
meg sookool see pegkeh entendeh noo |
Meg-sukul si pegtindan nu |