Have you had any diarrhea? |
kaan beh 'indak is-haal? |
كان به عندك إسهال؟ |
How many times have you had diarrhea today? |
kam mara kaan beh 'indak is-haal al-yom? |
كم مرة كان به عندك إسهال اليوم؟ |
Would your diarrhea today fill this? |
al-is-haal Hag al-yom 'ayimla haaTha? |
الإسهال حج اليوم عيملأ هاذا؟ |
What color is the diarrhea? |
eysh lon al-is-haal? |
إيش لون الإسهال؟ |
Is it red? |
hoo aHmar? |
هو أحمر؟ |