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Play Button How many people live in this area? Play Button eh nee may loo nee ohn Beh nee aBeBe yee? Eni mélo ni ó ngbé ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button How many water wells do you have in this area? Play Button ko ga o mee may loo nee o wa nee aBeBe yee? Kànga omi mélo ni ó wà ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Do you have a sewage system in this area? Play Button shay eh nee eh to fU aa kee tee ya eh roo o mee ee doo tee aa tee mee moo nee aBeBe yee? Ṣé ẹ ní ètò fún akitiyan ẹ̀rọ omi ìdọ̀tí àti mímu ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button How far are the latrines from the water wells? Play Button baa wo nee awoH saa laan gaa shay jee na see awoH ko ga o mee? Báwo ni àwọn ṣálángá ṣe jìnà sí àwọn kànga omi?
Play Button What type of herds graze in this area? Play Button awoH eh ro ko wo nee o maa ohn jeh ko nee aBeBe yee? Àwọn ẹranko wo ni ó ma n jẹ'ko ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Is there a veterinarian? Play Button shay o loo wo so fU awoH eh roH ko waa? Ṣé olùwòsàn fún àwọn ẹranko wà?
Play Button Are there any factories in the area? Play Button shay awoH ee lay ee sheh ko ko waa nee aBeBe yee? Ṣé àwọn ilé iṣẹ́ kankan wà ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Is there a river nearby? Play Button shay o do waa nee to see? Ṣé odò wà nítòsí?
Play Button Where do you get electricity from? Play Button ee bo nee ee na yee tee ohn waa? Ibo ni iná yín ti n wá?
Play Button Is there a power plant nearby? Play Button shay ee lay ee sheh ee na waa nee to see? Ṣé ilé iṣẹ́ iná wà nítòsí?
Play Button What kind of electrical appliances do people use? Play Button ee roo ohn ko eh roo wo nee awoH eh nee ya nee tee ohn loo ee na? Irú nkan ẹ̀rọ wo ni àwọn ènìyàn ní tí ó nlo iná?
Play Button Do you use electric stoves? Play Button shay eh maa ohn loo awoH on ee daa na tee ohn loo ee na? Ṣé ẹ ma nlo àwọn ohun ìdáná tí ó nlo iná?
Play Button Have there been forest fires in the area? Play Button shay awoH oo ko tee day day Ba na nee aBeBe yee ree? Ṣé àwọn oko ti dédé gbaná ní agbègbè yì í rí?
Play Button Are there any gas pipes around here? Play Button shay Paay Poo gaa see ko ko waa nee aBeBe yee? Ṣé páìpù gáàsì kankan wà ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Do you use gas to heat homes around here? Play Button shay eh maa ohn loo gaa see laa tee Bo na ee lay nee aBeBe yee? Ṣé ẹ ma nlo gáàsì láti gbóná ilé ní agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Is gas used for cooking? Play Button shay eh maa ohn loo gaa see laa tee shay on jeh? Ṣé ẹ ma nlo gáàsì láti se oúnjẹ?
Play Button Do you use propane gas tanks? Play Button shay eh maa ohn loo taan kee gaa see? Ṣé ẹ ma nlo táànkì gáàsì?
Play Button Where do you get propane gas tanks supplied from? Play Button ee bo nee woH tee ohn ko taan kee gaa see yee waa? Ibo ni nwọ́n ti nkó táànkì gáàsì yín wá?
Play Button Is there anyone to inspect home gas appliances? Play Button shay eh nee ya wa fU ee beh wo gaa see lee loo nee lay? Ṣé ènìyàn wà fún ìbẹ̀wò gáàsì lílò nílé?
Play Button Is there an electrician here? Play Button shay eh nee tee ohn shay ee na waa? Ṣé ẹni tí ó nṣe iná wà?
Play Button Is there a water supply system to households? Play Button shay eh nee eh to o mee fU awoH o nee lay aBeBe yee? Ṣé ẹ ní ètò omi fún àwọn onílé agbègbè yì í?
Play Button Where is the facility located? Play Button ee bo nee ee lay ee sheh na waa? Ibo ni ilé iṣẹ́ ná à wá?
Play Button How many people operate the system? Play Button eh nee may loo nee ohn shee seh loo ree eh roo na? Eni méèlo ni ó nṣiṣẹ́ l'órí ẹ̀rọ ná à?
Play Button Is it connected to other water supply systems? Play Button shay o jaa mo awoH o mee eh roo mee roH? Ṣé ó já mọ́ àwọn omi ẹ̀rọ mìràn?
Play Button Is it functional? Play Button shay ohn shee sheh? Ṣé ó nṣiṣẹ?
Play Button Where are the sources of raw water? Play Button ee bo nee o mee o do tee ohn waa? Ibo ni omi odò ti n wá?
Play Button Is it polluted? Play Button shay o tee doo tee? Ṣé ó ti dọ̀tí?
Play Button Is there a water treatment used? Play Button shay woH loo eh roo fU ee too jo o mee? Ṣé nwọ́n lo ẹ̀rọ fún ìtọ́jú omi?
Play Button Is it chemical? Play Button shay kaa mee kaa lee nee? Ṣé kẹ́míkàlì ni?
Play Button Is it through filtration? Play Button shay woH seh nee? Ṣé nwọ́n sẹ́ ẹ ni?
Play Button Is it by sedimentation? Play Button shay woH jeh ko gU nee? Ṣé nwọ́n jẹ́ kó gún ni?
Play Button Where is the pumping station? Play Button ee bo nee a go o mee fee faa waa? Ibo ni àgọ́ omi fífà wà?
Play Button How many people are needed to keep the system functional? Play Button eh nee may loo nee o lay jeh kee ee sheh maa loo day day? Ẹni méèló ni ó lè jẹ́ kí iṣẹ́ má a lọ dédé?
Play Button We've heard that there have been some problems with sewage in this neighborhood. Play Button a tee Bo nee Pa awoH waa ha laa Peh loo eh to o mee aa tee ee doo tee nee aa do Bo yee A ti gbọ́ nípa àwọn wàhálà pẹ̀lú ètò omi àti ìdọ̀tí ní àdúgbò yì í
Play Button Do you have indoor plumbing? Play Button shay eh nee Paa ee Po o mee eh roo nee no ee lay? Ṣé ẹ ní páìpù omi ẹ̀rọ nínú ilé?
Play Button Do you have any problems with your plumbing? Play Button shay eh nee waa ha laa Peh loo Paa ee Po o mee eh roo nee no ee lay? Ṣé ẹ ní wàhálà pẹ̀lú páìpù omi ẹ̀rọ nínú ilé?
Play Button Does your toilet work? Play Button shay ee lay ee Bo seh yee ohn shee sheh? Ṣé ilé ìgbọ̀nsẹ̀ yín n ṣiṣẹ́?
Play Button How many toilets do you have in the house? Play Button ee lay ee Bo see may loo nee eh nee nee no ee lay? Ilé ìgbọ̀nsẹ̀ méèló ni ẹ ní nínú ilé?
Play Button Do you have a septic tank? Play Button shay eh nee so kaa way? Ṣé ẹ ní sọ́kàwéè?
Play Button Is there anyone who can fix your sewer? Play Button shay eh nee eh nee ya tee o maa ohn toon sho kaa way shay? Ṣé ẹ ní ènìyàn tí ó ma n tún sọ́kàwéè ṣe?
Play Button Have you contacted anyone regarding this problem? If so who? Play Button shay eh tee so fU eh nee ka nee nee Pa wa ha laa yee? tee o ba jeh beh, taa nee? Ṣé ẹ ti sọ fún ẹnikẹ́ni nípa wàhálà yì í? Tí ó bá jẹ́ bẹ̀, tani?
Play Button When did you contact them? Play Button ee Baa wo nee eh so fU woH? Ìgbàwo ni ẹ sọ fún nwọn?
Play Button I will report this higher up and see if there is something we can do to fix the sewage problem. Play Button maa aa so fU awoH o ga bo ya aa lay ree ohn ko shay nee Pa wa ha laa so kaa way yee Mà á sọ fún àwọn ọ̀gá bóyá a lè rí n kan ṣe nípa wàhálà sọ́kàwéè yì í
Play Button We will contact the sewage company and find out what is being done to correct the problem. Play Button a Pay ee lay ee sheh awoH oo nee so kaa way laa tee wa dee ohn ko tee woH ohn shay nee Pa wa ha laa yee À á pe ilé iṣẹ àwọn oní sọ́kàwéè láti wáàdí nkan tí nwọ́n nṣe nípa wàhálà yì í
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