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Play Button Do not eat or drink until the surgery. Play Button maa sheh jeh ohn taa bee moo o mee kee woH to beh reh ee sheh a beh Má ṣe jẹun tàbí mu omi kí nwọ́n tó bẹ̀rẹ̀ iṣé abẹ
Play Button Do not eat or drink anything after midnight tonight. Play Button maa sheh jeh ohn taa bee moo o mee leh hE a go may jee laa oo roo eh nee Má ṣe jẹun tàbí mu omi lẹ́hìn ago mẹ́jìlá òru èní
Play Button Take this medicine. Play Button lo eh Bo gee yee Lo egbògi yì í
Play Button You must remain in bed. Play Button o nee laa tee waa lo ree ee boo sU O ní láti wà lórí ibùsùn
Play Button Do not move at all. Play Button maa mee raa raa raa Má mi'ra rárá
Play Button You must stay in this room. Play Button o nee laa tee do roo see yaa raa yee O ní láti dúró sí yàrá yì í
Play Button You must not smoke. Play Button maa sheh moo see gaa Má ṣe mu sìgá
Play Button We have to cut your hair off here. Play Button a nee laa tee geh ee rU eh koo roo nee bee A ní láti gé irun ẹ kúrò níbí
Play Button You may get up to go to the toilet. Play Button o lay dee day lo see ee lay ee Beh O lè dìde lọ sí ilé ìgbẹ́
Play Button We cannot give you anything to eat or drink. Play Button a ko lay fU eh nee ohn ko jee jeh taa bee mee moo A kò lè fún ẹ ní nkan jíjẹ tàbí mímu
Play Button If you need surgery, your stomach must be empty. Play Button tee o baa nee ee sheh a beh, ee no reh ohn laa tee sho fo Tí o bá ní iṣé abẹ, inú rẹ n láti ṣ'òfo
Play Button We will give you food and drink as soon as it is safe to do so. Play Button aa o fU eh nee ohn ko jee jeh aa tee mee moo nee ee Ba tee ko see eh woo mo laa tee sheh beh À á ò fún ẹ ní nkan jíjẹ àti mímu ní ìgbà tí kò sí ewu mò láti ṣe bẹ́ ẹ̀
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